This video on how to unpeel a banana the correct way (the method used by monkeys) has popped up on a number of atheist-inclined websites (for the explanation, see PZ Myers' blog at Pharyngula).  I can confirm that the method works, even when steering a tandem.

[video: 425x344]

Anyway, we had a smashing 50 mile tandem ride over to a garden centre cafe in Milton Ernest, avoided rain (mostly) and discovered our local fruit farm was selling excellent cherries.  A good day out - back to watch the Stage 9 of the Tour de France.  It was rather disappointing because the ITV4 "Live Coverage" started with the leading group only a handful of km from the summit of the Tourmalet, after which the main peleton seems to have regrouped by 25km from the finish, with two escapers still away.