By Robert on Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Category: Uncategorised

Microsoft embroiled in racist Photoshop disaster!

This just, in the "What were they thinking of?" department.  Poor old Microsoft.  They get splattered by the EU for forcing Internet Exploiter down the throats of Windows users, they get told by a Texan court to stop selling their biggest money-spinner, Word, and now they are embroiled in accusations of racism.

An advert featuring happy executives (one asian bloke, a black bloke and a white woman) was clumsily Photoshopped to replace the back bloke's head with that of a white bloke for the Polish marker.  The Photoshopping was pretty clumsily done, and they didn't edit the hand of the chap who lost his head. You can see the before and after pictures of this particular PR disaster at the BBC website.

Not only that, but the white laptop looks like a Mac to me, albeit with the apple logo erased.

Check out Photoshop Disasters for more on this and others...and didn't the Ford Motor Company do similar a few years ago?

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