By Robert on Monday, 14 August 2023
Category: Newsflash

Reactivating the blog...

Owing to work-related pressures, over the last few years I've had less and less time available to blog and to maintain websites. I've focussed on maintaining two Joomla! based websites:

North Bucks Road Club - my current bike club

Northwood Wheelers - my father's old bike club which was active in the 1950s and into the 1960s. Long dead, sadly, but this website is based on my fathers old cycling diaries and other memorabilia.

I now have a bit more time to spare for pottering about maintaining websites, and I hope to get this one going. Upcoming posts include a series of retrospective posts outlining my cycling activities from 2019 and through the Covid years. 2020 to the present have been pretty lean years for the North Bucks Road Club (I think in common with other clubs), but with a bit more time it's possible that a successful strategy to rejuvenate the club can be put in place. I also have another time trial bike modification article, this time about breaking out the soldering iron to place the eTap blipbox inside the Cervelo P5 frame.

I'll also be posting on an upcoming tandem cycling holiday in Normandy.

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