By Robert on Thursday, 14 May 2009
Category: Uncategorised

2009 summer tour planning

The Grumpy tandem will be making its usual Scottish expedition this summer - the usual pattern is to be away for a fortnight and be cycling for about 10 days.  We typically tour in Scotland as that allows us to keep in contact with friends there.  You can read about some of our previous tours via the Cycling menu on the left of this web page (click on "Cycle Tours").

With our 2009 tour only a couple of weeks away, the grumpy tandem reckons it's about time we  firmed up our plans (we often deal with this only days before we go).  So far the plan looks like this:

Days 1-2 - Dundee to Oban, via Loch Tay

Days 3-4 - (ferry from Oban) The Isle of Mull

Day 5 -  (ferry from Tobermory) Ardnamurchan

From there, we may just play it by ear, but one likely option would be to move on and cycle round Moidart.  We may try and visit friends near Inverness...

Suggestions welcome via the comment system! (As a guide, we usually reckon on doing an average of 50 miles a day, and we take camping stuff).  I'm hoping to place daily blog updates this year (depending on mobile internet availability).

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