By Robert on Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Category: Uncategorised

Blogging on tour!

I am planning on posting updates to this website while on cycle tour, in which I will describe our

progress around Scotland.  In a classic Baldrick style,  I have a cunning plan.  This plan entails taking my little OQO handheld WinXP device (left).  Of course this is a pretty creaky little machine, and the keyboard won't lend itself to particularly lengthy write-ups, but still, I should be able to keep updated with our progress round the planned itinerary.  Ideally I'll be able to upload images as well.

This all depends crucially on whether I can get the Vodafone mobile broadband USB stick to behave (and indeed on finding a reasonably quick connection in the wilderness).  You can see the truly Baldrickian nature of this cunning plan emerging, I think...

To add further spice, and probably long periods of frustrated cursing in bed and breakfast rooms, I'll also have a GlobalSat GPS datalogger.  I hope this will make it easier to map out our route and locate photographs that we take.  The downside is that the software that comes with the datalogger seems to me to be rather primitive and clunky.  It also seems to like having internet connectivity, which is something of a problem when the OQO has a single USB port, and the 3G modem won't work with the 4 way USB extender that I have.

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