By Robert on Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Category: Uncategorised

One week in - Review of Zen Broadband

As a direct result of BT's infuriating dalliance with the despicable Phorm system, I chose to leave BT, and joined Zen Broadband, with the switchover on 8th October. 

I selected Zen from the myriad of other ISPs out there for several reasons - good reviews (in both press and in the internet); reasonable pricing; clear upfront description of service; rapid response to my equiry about Phorm; no lock-in to lengthy contract.

Over the first week of being with Zen Broadband, I've been very satisfied (having said that, over the years I was with BT Broadband, the service was generally good as well).  Specific points:

I did receive a peculiarly worded letter from BT about my upcoming departure from BT Broadband on 8th October (bizarrely not delivered until 11th October), and suggesting I rethink my choice, and making it sound as though my phone line would be disconnected when the switch was made.  This is patently not the case.

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