The Stagsden course is never as fast as one might expect, mostly because it’s quite undulating. Indeed, the opening part involves a nasty drag up to Astwood. I was off as number 13 (it’s a good job I’m not superstitious), so I had to opportunity to catch a few riders, and to see how others looked on the return leg as I approached the turn. Unfortunately, I felt like I was riding through treacle, and the sight of other riders flying back from the turn didn’t serve to increase my optimism! Still, sense prevailed and I kept up the effort. The explanation, of course, was that the return leg has several significant descents which (though shallow) serve to give the rider a spell of 35+ mph riding. Oh, and I guess a slight tailwind can only have helped!
I crossed the line in something well over 23 minutes - I couldn’t really read the small numbers due to my sunglasses (and age-related myopia!) and I was initially at least rather disappointed. However, when I saw the results the following morning, I was quite pleased with my second place, together with my time relative to other riders. So maybe things are looking up for Team Grumpy…