Our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Brenda Gourlay has reported on the impact of the ELQ policy. John Denham will be at the Open University on 13th December, and will speak to students and staff at 15:00 (Berrill Lecture Theatre, Walton Hall campus, Milton Keynes). It will be interesting...watch this space.
Updated 8/1/08:
Well, John Denham's presentation was not at all informative (the text can be read here), and he didn't respond well to questioning. In particular, when asked whether he or his civil servants had modelled the potential effects of this decision, he claimed this wasn't his responsibility. Well, I beg to differ.
Today there is an item on the BBC News website about the ELQ issue, with the news that the Conservatives are taking a stance. I suppose this may just harden the government's position on the issue. The Open University Vice Chancellor, Brenda Gourlay, appeared on Radio 4's Today programme this morning to talk about the ELQ issue.