Indoor Training Part 5 - Rouvy in Workout Mode

Since the beginning of 2024 I've been increasingly using the Rouvy app in my indoor bike training (see Indoor Training - Part 3 Rouvy vs Zwift and Fulgaz). Until the other day I'd only been using this to enliven my indoor cycling on otherwise very dull interval sessions, but I thought I ought to give Rouvy's workouts a bit of a try. And I'm rather impressed.

The Rouvy website has a very clear description of how this all works. So I needn't offer more than a few comments, based largely on using Rouvy on the AppleTV.

  • The clarity of the information presented on the screen is excellent, though some of the elements are partly offscreen (this may be how I set up the AppleTV.
  • Rouvy has the easiest system for designing custom workouts in the apps I've tried. Zwift's workout designer is clunky and it's easiest to use a third party system and then upload the workout. TrainerRoad has a clunky and quixotic system in a standalone app that then synchs the workout back up to TrainerRoad.