The Open Rights Group - the Big Picture

Back on 11th October, the Open Rights Group (together with a number of other concerned organisations) held a protest in Parliament Square to publicise the growing surveillance we are all subjected to.  A large mosaic constructed from images of CCTV installations was assembled.  The image (below) has been released under a Creative Commons licence.  A bigger version is available. 

From the ORG "The Big Picture" wiki:

A new yellow speed camera at the end of your road. A fingerprinting system installed at your child's school, or your medical records uploaded to central government computers from your local GP practice. If you're lucky, your daily experience of the database state will, so far, be limited to developments such as this.

But what's the big picture? Put together, these creeping changes constitute a wholesale shift towards a society predicated not on freedom, but on fear. A society of total surveillance. Everyone watched. No­ one trusted.