BT Total Censorship part 6 - Oo-er!!

I got another email from the moderators over at the BT beta broadband forums.  This was in response to a post I made in which I referred to another posting which mentioned BT-Webwise- here is my posting (I removed a name, indicated by ***, and I think the post is obviously a little tongue-in-cheek):

Whoops, now you've done it, ****, you've mentioned it in your sig. Well, your post has lasted 15 minutes so far!

Well, after my reference to that which must not be mentioned in a previous posting, and which earned me the last ticking-off email, I tried a different tack, and used the word it to refer to something someone else had mentioned. This time I got my final warning

Your recent post titled: "Re: Useage cap" has been removed as it contravenes with the Forum Guidelines.
Discussions about Webwise (whether this product is mentioned directly or indirectly) are off-topic.
Stay on topic
The BT Broadband Support Community is intended for the discussion of issues related to BT Broadband and to assist users in making use of their broadband connection. Please do not post material about competing services and products from other providers.
Once again, the Forum Guidelines are available at:
Please note that this is your final warning.
Thanks for your help in keeping the community a friendly, constructive environment for all members.
Kind regards,
BT Forum Moderator 

Since I don't really want to enrage poor S*******e further, I redacted his/her name!