Atheist bus ad update

The Daily Telegraph today has a report on the British Humanist Association's atheist bus advert (which I posted about back in October: Humanist message on London buses).  It's a peculiar article from the religious affairs correspondent that seems to emphasise the existence of the buses bearing the advert, rather than what I take to be the significant aspect of the story - that enough cash has been raised to fund 800 buses across the country (not just London).  Amusingly, one of the links on the sidebar is to this story from August entitled Atheists fail to cough up for London bus ad, while another, from October is entitled Atheist buses ready to roll across country after making £31,000 in a day.

I guess I must have missed the initial unsuccessful phase of the fund-raising campaign, and merely contributed to its resurrection in October!

In any event, it's gratifying to read the fund raising eventually yielded more than £140,000.  The full press release from the British Humanist Association is here, and it reveals the campaign goes beyond a fleet of buses, to include London Underground adverts, and two ginormous LCD screens on Oxford Street.  Here's a nice quote from the press release:

Ariane Sherine, creator of the Atheist Bus Campaign, said: "You wait ages for an atheist bus, then 800 come along at once. I hope they'll brighten people's days and make them smile on their way to work." 

Pictures of the tube adverts are here

Pictures of the atheist buses