2009 Tour day 7 - Lochcarron to Black Isle

Up bright and early, with lovely blue sky with puffy white clouds scudding across! Set off eastwards, initially flat, but then climbing through woodland, with plenty of rhododendrons.  After a while, we emerged onto rather bare mountainous landscape.

We reached Achnasheen at about 11.30am, and stopped at the cafe for paninis and tea. Pressing on, we eventually started a gentle descent through woodland. We were aware of big black clouds, and as we approached the main road to Inverness at Gorstan, we had the first proper drenching of the tour so far. It was fortunately quite short-lived, as the rain was pretty cold!

It was with some relief that we approached the Black Isle - it's a much gentler agricultural scene, and also, our destination was that much closer - an old friend of Carol's from the past. She was a most excellent host! [annoyingly, the GPS data logger ran out of juice during the day, so the map is incomplete]

59.68 miles; 10.8 mph ave; 36.6 mph max; 5:30:48; total distance 361.83 miles

{mosmap kml='http://robertsaunders.org.uk/flies-and-bikes/cycling/maps/090607.kml'}

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