BT drops plans to implement Phorm?

The Guardian reports (BT drops Phorm targeted ad service after customers cry foul over privacy) that BT have decided not to implement the vile DPI system for targeting adverts that has been devised by the former spyware company Phorm.  

The company, which has received complaints from customers about Phorm, said the decision was down to its need to conserve resources as it looks to invest £1.5bn in putting a next-generation super-fast broadband network within reach of 10 million homes by 2012. Privately, however, BT bosses have been increasingly concerned about consumer resistance to advertising based on monitoring users' online behaviour and specifically about the backlash against Phorm.

Of the other two ISPs linked to using Phorm, Virgin Media have apparently cooled on the idea while TalkTalk have publicly stated that any use of Phorm's DPI would be on an "opt-in" (making it financially unsustainable).