Drupal vs Joomla! part 4: Still exploring Drupal

Some months ago, I wrote briefly on my early attempts at developing a website with Drupal. (see Drupal vs Joomla! part 1, part 2 and part 3)  I was pretty impressed by Drupal, but considered it had some odd omissions from the default installation.  In particular, the lack of a stock WSIWYG editor seemed pretty glaring, especially as installing an editor turned out to be so fiddly.

I've restarted the development of that website, and have concluded that:

  • my original comments, particularly regarding the editor are valid
  • that the Drupal themes (equivalent to Joomla! templates) are easy to apply, and even easier to tinker with
  • that my stock Drupal installation has no obvious way of scheduling the start and finish dates of publication of stories.  I found some instructions at the Drupal site, but this requires installation of additional modules (which may not be permitted by my institution).  This seems to be a significant omission, though perhaps that reflects my past experiences with Joomla!

Interestingly, I've now taken over administering a Drupal site on behalf of a professional society which means I really need to get to grips with Drupal!  I've been over at Amazon, and a book about Drupal is winging its way to me, despite the Postal Strike.  Maybe that'll be helpful!