Astwood '10' 20th April 2011 - nice weather for a puncture!

This was a glorious evening for a time trial: clear, sunny and warm with a light breeze.  The ride up to Astwood from work was really quite pleasant, and I lined up to start with a rare bit of enthusiasm (usually, I'm a bit shattered from a dash from a hectic day at work but today hadn't been too bad). However, from my perspective, there's not much to report.  I set off in good style and felt like I was going well, only to suffer a front wheel puncture just before the Chicheley turn.  I had enough air left to get me most of the way back but for the last mile I was just bumping along. The event was won (I think - results haven't been sent in yet) by Chris Dunwoodie with a long 22, with Tony Parks a few seconds back.  Also worth a mention is Lindz's hird place in 23:12 (or thereabouts).  And many thanks to the start crew: Tony, Steph and Dick. Fortunately I could cadge a lift home, otherwise by the time I'd have got everything sorted, it would have been quite gloomy.  Like me.