Protection of wildly unpopular politicians to cost £2m

The Guardian reports that the police bill to protect the Liberal Democrats at their part conference in Sheffield this weekend will reach £2 million (Police spend £2m to protect Liberal Democrats at Sheffield conference|
Police are spending an estimated £2m to protect this weekend’s Liberal Democrat conference, with measures including a 2.5m high steel and concrete fence to deter up to 10,000 protesters. A thousand officers will be on duty or standby from Friday until Sunday to shield the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, in his own city from anger over public spending cuts and his party’s U-turn on student fees.
Apparently Nick Clegg is to tell his party to ‘hold their nerve’ – I wonder how successful he’ll be with Lib Dem support slumping.  The Guardian reports (Clegg tells Lib Dems to hold nerve) that
The latest YouGov survey for the Sun puts the Lib Dems on just 9%, trailing far behind their Conservative coalition partners on 34% and Labour on 45% – the largest lead recorded by the poll for the opposition since the general election.
And this on top of their hardly stellar slump to 6th place at the recent Barnsley Central byelection.  I guess this is the penalty you pay when you discard your principles for a slice of political power. One wonders whether the 1000 or so police officers would rather be doing something else, particularly when faced by the police service cuts to be imposed by the minority Tory government with support from those LibDems inside the conference centre…

Goodwin media ban order – bizarre assault on freedom

The BBC reports that Fred Goodwin, who led the Royal Bank of Scotland to financial [caption id="attachment_1350" align="alignright" width="189" caption="This man is not a banker"][/caption] disaster bringing the UK to brink of financial catastrophe has secures one of those bizarre gagging injunctions (BBC News – MP raises Goodwin media ban order).  This one of these bizarre “super-injunctions”, which not only bans the reporting of the subject of the injunction but also bans the reporting of the existence of the injunction.  This is an astonishing crushing of press freedom really.  According to reports in the Guardian (Fred Goodwin gets superinjunction to stop him being called a banker):
“In a secret hearing this week Fred Goodwin has obtained a superinjunction preventing him being identified as a banker,” said Hemming, the MP for Birmingham Yardley.
I suppose on the one hand, this smidgeon of information isn’t unreasonable, given that he presumably isn’t a “banker’ any more, but what else is in this super-injunction, and why should reporting of it’s existence be proscribed.  Anyway, the story’s now out and around the blogosphere (e.g. The Plashing Vole) This is a man who presided over a significant component of the financial crash that afflicted the UK, and other countries, and which has seen spectacular negative effects on large swathes of the UK population, who are presently suffering a largely ideologically-driven assault (by a minority Tory government shored up by the LibDems) on many fronts.  Meanwhile, the banking system carries on regardless, awarding themselves bonuses even as the banks make losses or at best marginal profits.

2011 UK Census

The 2011 UK census forms are being mailed around now.Visit the Census Campaign to find out why you should check the "No Religion" option if you have no religious belief.

Port Talbot Wheelers 2-up '25' 6/03/11

This event is the usual curtain raiser for my racing season, and it's also the first 2-up event that I ride each year and as such gives an indication of how Team Grumpy's form is at this early stage in the season.  Usually, we also take advantage of the journey over to Wales to visit interesting archaeological sites, previous visits having included the Avebury stone circle, the Uffington White Horse and Wayland's Smithy.  This year was slightly different: we stayed in Bath for a couple of nights en route to Wales. I'd never visited Bath before - we enjoyed traipsing about seeing the Royal Crescent and visiting sites such as the Assembly Rooms, the Roman Baths, and the Herschel Museum.  Bath appears to be astonishingly well endowed with restaurants, and we visited a fish restaurant (One Fish Two Fish) and a Moroccan restaurant (Cafe Du Globe), both of which were excellent. On to Wales for the main event, and the signs were ominous.  Gerry's training programme had recently gone slightly off the rails, while as observed over at the Team Grumpy blog, I had suffered an extraordinarily painful back injury three weeks before the event which not only prevented training but threw my participation in the event into question.  To add an interesting frisson of excitement, it transpired that the Team Grumpy entry had been lost in the post, and only a phone call of enquiry from Gerry earned us a start in this event.Absorbing medical advice, I did in fact manage to recover in time turn up in South Wales in a relatively pain-free condition.  All that remained was to see how we'd perform on the day. In time-honoured fashion, we conducted our usual preparation: consumption of sufficient energy drink. Thus fortified (and indeed entertained by 80s pop music courtesy of Sky TV), I retired to dream soothing (and deluded) dreams of time trial success. The morning of the event dawned rather cloudy and cool - but not as cold as the sub-zero conditions faced by riders in the 2010 edition of this 2-up.  We set up the bikes with clear apprehension: what would the consequences of our combined lack of training and form be?  And would my back hold out for the whole 25 miles?  More to the point, what was the road damage on the second half of the course to which riders' attention was drawn on signing on?  And, indeed, how significant was the presence of traffic lights on the same section (to which the instruction that riders must 'obey the highway code' was appended? In an effort to answer these uncertainties, we mounted the bikes and nipped out for a brief warmup. It was quickly apparent that (a) the road was in a shocking state, and (b) the traffic lights were at the top of a climb and looked like they could present real problems if at red. With reconnaissance over, and all too soon, we were lined up and ready to go.  We launched ourselves onto the course (see map below), with only a brief backward glance from Gerry.  The opening dual carriageway stretch proved to be very fast, with a gentle tailwind.  We were pleased that we were able to fall back into 2-up mode straight away.  After the first turn, the going got a little harder, as the head wind was nagging.  We were gratified to see our "Manager" on a bridge apparently videoing proceedings as we made their way past the start area (see video below).  Once off the dual carriageway, the usually efficient Team Grumpy changeovers became rather ragged as the pitted and potholed road surface made it difficult to judge whether a rider was pulling out to let his team mate through or merely to avoid crashing through a pothole. A massive sprint pulled us into the traffic lights on amber, but at the cost of a bit of an oxygen debt: this rendered the approach to the turn somewhat arduous.  Returning to the traffic lights, delays were once again avoided.  This was just as well, as by this time we were hanging on for grim death, looking for the finish line, which seemed to take an eternity to arrive.  Eventually it did, at 1:04:36. This wasn't an excellent result (though not as bad as it sounds: the course is rather hard at times), but enough to take a composite team prize.  More to the point, at least Team Grumpy proved their ability to ride well as a team, even after a lengthy winter lay-off. Results are here.  And here's a map of the course: Here's a video, showing us coming out of a roundabout, and doing a changeover: PTW-2-up 6th March 2011.

EPO & clenbuterol doping ring in Spain. reports that a (or, more accurately, another) major clenbuterol doping ring appears to have been uncovered in Spain (Where's the beef? Spanish police seize clenbuterol, and not a cow in sight |  It's all highly topical, given Contador's 'get out of jail free' card this week following his positive clenbuterol test last year.  After successive failures at dealing effectively with sports doping, will this lead to greater crackdown?  This doesn't just reflect my unbridled optimism: incidents like the idiot Ricco's home-brew transfusion reveal the dangers inherent in tinkering with one's physiology. Recent news stories have failed to reveal any Spanish cattle containing clenbuterol, while here's a case of a doping ring actually dealing with the stuff.  Oh and EPO too.  Let's get real here, and not prat around failing to uncover the full story (c.f. the Fuentes affair).  And let's get the UCI and its constituent national federations singing from the same song sheet. A bit more information via (Spanish police arrest seven doping suspects): those arrested so far aren't cyclists.  But as point out, clenbuterol's clearly in use as a performance-enhancing substance in Spain... An interesting point in the report touches on how the police got wind of the doping ring (which mostly targetted amateurs):
The operation began in December based on information received from a professional cyclist. The rider, who wasn't named, received an email "from a person he didn't know offering doping substances," the spokeswoman said. No cyclists have been arrested, but police have yet to disclose who was being supplied with the drugs.