New website template

I fancied a change from the old website template, which has been going for more than a year.  The new template is a modified Siteground template.

I had a few issues making the header image work with Internet Explorer 6 and earlier (the notorious png problem), but seem to have cracked that.  As usual, the the site has been tested with a variety of browsers on Linux (Firefox 3.0.5, Epiphany 2.24.1, Konqueror 4.1.3, Opera 9.63).  In Win XP I've looked at it on IE 6 and 7, and it seems to work (now the png fix for IE versions =<6 has been implemented.  I haven't tried Chrome, or any browser on Mac OSX.

Let me know what you think, and if you have any issues tell me the OS and browser you're using.

Rebutting Clifford Longley

The ASA complaint about the Atheist Bus ad campaign, as reported in the Guardian website supposedly emanates from one Clifford Longley.  In fact, the complaint is largely plagiarised from a religious website, and makes the same strategic cock-ups as many a creationist tract does: old quotations, out of context quotations, quotations incorrectly attributed, quotations that may never have been made.  Add to the mix an argument from authority, presumably right up the street for someone who can accept the most improbable drivel from an priest figure, and you have a classic set of misapprehension masquerading as an academic exercise.  Perhaps the whole thing is a hoax?

I read in the blogosphere that over 50 complaints have been made to the ASA - if they are all as pathetic as this one and that of Stephen Green, I say bring them on!

The statement "There's probably no God", as currently seen on the side of London buses, is untrue and dishonest, in so far as the word "probably" completely fails to reflect the true state of the scientific argument. In fact it would be honest and true to say the opposite - "There probably is a God." A fair reading of the material below could lead to no other conclusion. I therefore call on the ASA to order the withdrawal of this advertising, as incompatible with its code of practice.

From an atheist's point of view, this is quite absurd.  As is evident, Longley's argument really rests on an interpretation of the Anthropic Principle, and on a "belief resting on foundations of disbelief", and plagiarised to boot. 

According to growing numbers of scientists, the laws and constants of nature are so "finely-tuned," and so many "coincidences" have occurred to allow for the possibility of life, the universe must have come into existence through intentional planning and intelligence. In fact, this "fine-tuning" is so pronounced, and the "coincidences" are so numerous, many scientists have come to espouse "The Anthropic Principle," which contends that the universe was brought into existence intentionally for the sake of producing mankind. Even those who do not accept The Anthropic Principle admit to the "fine-tuning" and conclude that the universe is "too contrived" to be a chance event.

This section, and much of the rest of the ASA complaint is shamelessly lifted from this religious website. The argument is in any case seriously lacking in any logical basis.  At least the author uses quotation marks around "finely-tuned", "coincidences" and "too contrived".  The fact is that the fundamental physical characteristics of the Universe (what are known as "Laws") are what they are.  If it were truly the case that to vary one or more of them would result in a Universe in which our evolution could not have been possible, then were those constants be so changed we would not be here to pontificate about the matter!  Quite why anyone should believe that we are some kind of intended purpose for the Universe seems rather strange to me.

I for one don't accept the Anthropic Principle, and I most definitely don't admit to any "fine-tuning", nor that the Universe is in any wat "contrived".  Indeed Langley's use of those words is clearly intended to suggest an intelligent driving force - the only people who would accept that are clearly suffering from some prior delusional supernatural belief. 

Dr. Dennis Scania, head of Cambridge University Observatories, said in a BBC science documentary, The Anthropic Principle:

If you change a little bit the laws of nature, or you change a little bit the constants of nature - like the charge on the electron - then the way the universe develops is so changed, it is very likely that intelligent life would not have been able to develop.

Interestingly Dr Dennis Scania doesn't appear to be real.  I found one blog which stated that Dr Dennis Scania is a typo for "Dr Dennis Sciama" of Cambridge, now deceased.  Whether he genuinely made the statement attributed to him, I don't know. There is a brief biography of Sciama at Wikipedia - no mention of that quotation, or any indication he was particularly religious (or atheist for that matter).  Interestingly, he was Stephen Hawking's supervisor.

Dr. David D. Deutsch, Institute of Mathematics, Oxford University: observed:

If we nudge one of these constants just a few percent in one direction, stars burn out within a million years of their formation, and there is no time for evolution. If we nudge it a few percent in the other direction, then no elements heavier than helium form. No carbon, no life. Not even any chemistry. No complexity at all.

Again, lifted from another website.  But entirely irrelevant to the question of whether a god exists.  If physical constants meant no life could evolve, then so be it - we wouldn't be here thinking about it or fighting battles with idiotic god-squadders.  Also, the statement considered in isolation makes no claims for or against a supernatural bearded dude in the sky.

Dr. Paul Davies, noted author and professor of theoretical physics at Adelaide University, said:

The really amazing thing is not that life on Earth is balanced on a knife-edge, but that the entire universe is balanced on a knife-edge, and would be total chaos if any of the natural 'constants' were off even slightly.

Pretty much the same comments apply here.  And guess what, also pinched from that website.  The plagiarist then omits a paragraph before resuming the wholesale copying with the following paragraph and quotation:

When the late Sir Fred Hoyle was researching how carbon came to be created in the "blast-furnaces" of the stars, his calculations indicated that it is very difficult to explain how the stars generated the necessary quantity of carbon upon which life on earth depends. Hoyle found that there were numerous "fortunate" one-time occurrences which seemed to indicate that purposeful "adjustments" had been made in the laws of physics and chemistry in order to produce the necessary carbon.

Hoyle summed up his findings as follows:

A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintendent has monkeyed with the physics, as well as chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. I do not believe that any physicist who examined the evidence could fail to draw the inference that the laws of nuclear physics have been deliberately designed with regard to the consequences they produce within stars.

Hmm.  The plagiarist acknowledged that Hoyle is deceased, by inserting "late".  The difficulty here is that Hoyle was a notable dissenter, particularly of evolution (e.g. he tried to demonstrate the Archaeopteryx fossils were fakes), and had some pretty much discredited thoughts about the origin of life on Earth.  And physicists do seem prone to making strange statements about supernatural entities  - I have always assumed it is part of trying to make their conceptually rather hard subject more accessible to the lay reader.

Hoyle was a Big Bang de nialist; rejected chemical evolution, preferring to believe life originated elsewhere in the galaxy and was spread by panspermia.  As you can read in his Wikipedia biography, Hoyle was a bit of a left-field maverick, who's views cannot possibly be taken to reflect mainstream science.  Now we continue with the plagiarism:

Dr. David D. Deutch remarked:

If anyone claims not to be surprised by the special features that the universe has, he is hiding his head in the sand. These special features are surprising and unlikely.

Maybe surprising, but not evidence for a supernatural entity being behind it.  I can't find Dr David D. Deutch by googling or searching Oxford University's Mathematics Institute.  Still, given the age of the plagiarist's source, he may have moved on, or like previous sources, have deceased.

The August '97 issue of "Science" featured an article entitled "Science and God: A Warming Trend?" in which it stated:

The fact that the universe exhibits many features that foster organic life - such as precisely those physical constants that result in planets and long- lived stars - also has led some scientists to speculate that some divine influence may be present.

Which August 1997 issue?  That's a rubbish citation. For the record, the actual citation is Science 15 August 1997: Vol. 277. no. 5328, pp. 890 - 893, DOI: 10.1126/science.277.5328.890.  The article seems to really be about the fact that there are scientists with religious beliefs.

In his best-selling book, A Brief History of Time, Sir Stephen Hawking (perhaps the world's most famous cosmologist) stated: "The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers (i.e. the constants of physics) seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life" (p. 125).

Can I draw the reader's attention to the word seem in the above quotation?

"For example," Hawking wrote,

if the electric charge of the electron had been only slightly different, stars would have been unable to burn hydrogen and helium, or else they would not have exploded... It seems clear that there are relatively few ranges of values for the numbers (for the constants) that would allow for development of any form of intelligent life. Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful, would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty.

All he is saying here is that that with a different set of constants, we wouldn't be here.  The plagiarist's source is really a bit repetitive.

Hawking said this was evidence of "a divine purpose in Creation and the choice of the laws of science (by God)" (ibid. p. 125).

I haven't got a copy of A Brief History of Time to look at the context of this quotation, if indeed it is there. I would add that a Google search with this quotation only seems to find Christian blog sites apparently perpetuating this "quotation".  I really need to look it up myself.

If you would like further information regarding the science I would refer you to the Faraday Institute at St Edmund's College Cambridge (with which I have no connection.)

This bit is presumably Langley's text.  Well, no, I won't spend too much time looking at the Faraday Institute site, because it is actually the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion.


Stephen Green, God and evolution

I was interested to know more about Stephen Green, the man who has filed a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority against the Atheist Bus ad campaign.  The blog site mediawatchwatch has an interview with Stephen Green, dating from June 2005.  In it, he demonstrates an astonishing lack of understanding of biology and evolution by natural selection.  For example, on one of the classic examples of sexual selection, the peacock's tail:

Why does the peacock have such a magnificent tail? ‘So he can attract a mate', the evolutionist replies. So how does the hedge-sparrow do it? 

Why on earth would one expect the sexual selective pressures resulting from mating to be the same for a small bird for which rapid escape flight is vitally essential and for a large, largely ground-living pheasant such as a peacock?  And that sexual selection would be the only selective pressure acting?  He goes on to pontificate equally ignorantly on the evolution of whales under the delusion that all the modifications seen in extant whales arose simulatenously in their terrestrial ancestors.  Classic creationist wilful stupidity.

Green is also convinced of Christianity's truth, and that all other religions are in error.  Why?

The incontrovertible fact that Jesus Christ not only existed but kept and taught the law, healed the sick, fed the hungry and raised the dead. Other writings (such as we find in pagan societies) are unashamed myth.

At this point you can see how he is deluded enough to believe there is sufficient "evidence" that the bearded supernatural dude in the sky exists for a complaint to the ASA has even a remote chance of success.  Well, perhaps he'll do better than his last legal fracas, against the BBC  in which he failed to prove blasphemy.   The Freethinker blog has a nice report linking this failed action with his blackmail of a cancer charity.  It's unfortunate that the major legal bill he was presented with has failed to silence this homophobe from trying to stop the Atheist buses.

The prize quote comes from Hanne Stinson, the British Humanist Association's chief executive, who said (my emphasis):

"I've sought advice from some of our key people here, but I'm afraid all I've got out of them so far is peals of laughter. I am sure that Stephen Green really does think there is a great deal of evidence for a God - though presumably only the one that he believes in - but I pity the ASA if they are going to be expected to rule on the probability of God's existence. However, if they do investigate we will be very happy to respond."

Perhaps this action is a response to the slapping down he and his ridiculous Christian Voice organisation received after claiming that the new HPV vaccine will cause infertility.  You can read Christian Voice's take on this judgement here.  it makes for interesting and amusing reading!

Christian Voice vs the Atheist Bus

Christian Voice are an evangelical christian lobby group which is a bit cross about the atheist bus advert campaign.  From their website, Christian Voice... a ministry for those Christians who are fed up with the way things are, who have had enough of secularist politicians imposing wickedness on the rest of us and who are not satisfied with trying to get ‘Christian influence in a secular world' because they know ‘The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein' (Psalm 24:1). If you want instead to lift high the Crown Rights of the King of kings, you have found the right place!

From a quick squizz round their website, they don't appear to share much of my worldview, to put it politely.

They appear to have taken umbrage at the now-nationwide atheist bus campaign , and have reported the adverts to the Advertising Standards Authority, apparently on the slightly weird grounds that the ad breaks the ASA's guidelines on substantiation and truthfulness.   The complainant Stephen Green (who is a member of Christian Voice) says:

There is plenty of evidence for God, from peoples' personal experience, to the complexity, interdependence, beauty and design of the natural world. But there is scant evidence on the other side, so I think the advertisers are really going to struggle to show their claim is not an exaggeration or inaccurate, as the ASA code puts it.

I for one cannot wait to see what the ASA makes of this claim!  Anyway, it would appear to a bit of a tit-for-tat action, since they go on to say:

In an peculiar twist, the ASA is currently investigating an advertorial Christian Voice placed in the New Statesman, after just one complaint that a prediction about teenage infertility could not be substantiated. The Council are due to meet to consider its officials' recommendation to censure the ad next week. 

Actually, you can read the Christian Voice take on their knockback by the ASA on their press release website.  Read more about Christian Voice at Wikipedia.   In my opinion they are the unacceptable face of religion.  My view is that there is no god, based upon a lack of evidence.  I dislike the marginalisation of sections of society by groups such as Christian Voice on the basis of a batty book written millennia ago.


For some reason the BBC chose to report on this crackpot.

Mediawatchwatch has the crackpot in its sights as well.

Longley vs the Atheist bus

Here's another attempted broadside from religious wackos. A comment article on the Guardian website from Andrew Brown presents a statement that "distinguished religious affairs commentator" Clifford Longley (who? Presumably this Clifford Longley, who's website hasn't been updated in a while) has made, in addition to the crackpot Christian Voice, complained to the ASA about the atheist bus advert.

In an astonishingly inane piece, Longley maintains

it would be honest and true to say the opposite - "There probably is a God."

To back up this rather astonishing statement, he rehashes the altogether discredited anthropic principle, and thereby demonstrates the intellectual vacuum at the heart of his argument. This is easily demolished by the first commenter to Brown's blog.

The lightweight nature of the pro-god people is usually quite distinctive, and this is no stronger than the Christian Voice attack