Astwood '10' 11/5/11

At least the forecast showers held off for this evening's time trial, though blustery wind remained to try my patience.  A good turnout of about 19 riders produced some fine rides, with a bit of a gulf between Tim and Jason and the 3rd and 4th placed riders with a tightly fought 1 second difference. From my perspective, I've been trying to pull back form lost through February's injury: at last week's event I was about half a minute shy of that event in 2010, tonight I was 4 seconds slower than in 2010.  On the other hand the margin between Tony and me was somewhat smaller, around 5 seconds.  By and large, though, I'm reasonably pleased with this evening's ride. The wind meant the outward leg to Chicheley was a little tough, but once round that corner, things were a bit brisker, and I managed to catch one or two riders.  Traffic was pretty light this evening, which is always good! Read on for the results table and map
1 Tim Carter Virgin Active 21.36
2 Jason Gurney Baines Racing 21.43
3 Chris Dunwoody Team MK 23.09
4 Tony Parks NBRC 23.10
5 Rob Saunders NBRC 23.53
6 David Carrington Team MK 24.12
7 Grahame Freestone-King John Buchanan Team Sales Engine Team MK 24.38
8 Anthony Batt NBRC 25.11
9 Rob Chaundy Team MK 25.13
10 David Price Twenty3c 25.14
11 Brian Primett Team MK 25.50
12 Steve Abraham NBRC 26.04
13 Ruth Freestone-King Team Sales Engine 27.06
14 Alan Lawson NBRC 28.07
15 Christina White Team MK 28.12
16 Graham Line NBRC 28.14
17 Gordon Batcock NBRC 29.01
18 Tony Brunton NBRC 29.06

Norlond '30' 8/5/11

Well, all the weather forecasts for this morning were diabolical - heavy rain and strong southerly winds were forecast.  I'd decided that there was no way I was going to race on a major dual carriageway in heavy rain, so I was more than a little apprehensive.  In the end, the BBC changed their forecast to sunny spells (and they got it wrong - we had a little light rain, but it was pretty heavily overcast).  What they did get right was the stiff breeze, which promised to make the southbound legs really quite tough. The event was on the F1/30 (my first ever 30 mile time trial): starting near Tempsford, riders head south, joining the A1, crossing the Sandy roundabout to turn at Biggleswade North (Warden Lane) roundabout, heading north across Sandy and Black Cat roundabouts to turn at Buckden for the final 10 mile southbound leg to finish near Tempsford.  There's a map of the course, with some heart rate and speed data at the end of this report. As I got started, I was appalled at the state of the miniroundabout that takes the riders onto the sliproad to join the A1 - successive harsh winters coupled with an evodent unwillingness to repair damage has left it in appallingly pitted and potholed condition.  Indeed one to the riders I talked to at the start said that he'd punctured in the potholes at the Beds Road CC '25' a few weeks ago.  This was good to know, and I took the roundabout  very carefully.  On joining the main dual carriageway, I was already regretting having done the '10' on the preceding afternoon.  Slogging into the headwind was really quite miserable and mostly I was only holding 23mph or so.  Of course, once round the Biggleswade North roundabout, things looked up considerably and, benefitting from a helpful tailwind, I must have averaged over 29mph to the Buckden turn. Returning to the finish was a 10 mile slog into the headwind, a section in which I really lost the will to race.  Bizarrely, there were stretches which were presumably quite well sheltered, where I saw my speed creep up, but on the whole I was knocking out 23-24mph.  I passed the 25 mile point in about 57:52, and eventually finished in 1:10:43. This being my first 30 mile time trial, I suppose this represents a personal best.  I'd have been happier had it been in more comfortable conditions though!

Bossard Wheelers '10' 7/5/11

After the NBRC club time trial on Wednesday, when I felt my form was beginning to return, I was rather looking to this event to reaffirm this judgement.  By Friday, however, I was rather annoyed to see the weather forecast for Saturday afternoon was for heavy rain.  On the day, however, the rain didn't materialise (rather, the BBC had changed their story, now forecasting it for first thing Sunday morning - just when I was supposed to be riding the Norlond '30' on the F1).  So, as I lined up at the start it was dry, though rather warm and humid.  I felt really quite sleepy!  The main climatic obstacle was the rather strong and blustery cross-wind that looked as though it might be most troublesome on the outward leg. And so it proved.  It felt as though I was riding through treacle for the first half of the event.  For the first time when riding this course, I had no problems of being baulked by traffic at any point.  Instead, I was just finding it quite difficult to build up and maintain speed.  The return leg was marginally better, but really only marginally. I crossed the line in about 23:07 - not far different from my time of 23:02 in last year's event.  Perhaps the form I had last year is returning after my injury setbacks of February.  As usual, this was a very sociable event - plenty of conversation.  Maybe it's because a relatively early event in the calendar, and usually with modest number of riders.  Anyway, it was good to touch base with riders I'd not seen since last season.

Stoke Hammond '10' 4/5/11

This was a beautifully sunny evening for a time trial - good visibility, and it brought out a rather larger field I think than in recent events.  Unfortunately a stiff breeze rather meant it was tough going in some parts of the course, and brought a distinct chill. I was, as usual apprehensive at the start - coming straight from work without anything to eat always seems to leave butterflies flapping in my stomach (not actually nerves, I hasten to add - this was after all a club event), but I'd strained my back again earlier this week.  Fortunately, it didn't seem to give me any grief while on the bike. Once started, I certainly didn't seem to fly up the gentle climb to the main DC section of the course as I'd felt on our last outing on this course - perhaps the cross-wind I felt was denting my speed a bit.  And things got a bit stickier on the main dual carriageway section of the course, where the wind was nagging at my front wheel a bit - particularly noticeable when I passed lower areas of the verge, and gusts caught me.  I was closing in on my minute man at the turn - I entered the roundabout pretty much as he was leaving it.  But the return leg seemed to give him a new lease of life, and it took  a long time to close the gap.  Because he had a rear-facing video camera, he should get some tedious shots of my gurning gob at that time. From there, the return to the finish was it's usual mixed bag - quite quick on the descent sections, but the final stretch between the last roundabout and the finish line was, as ever, hard going  Still, I finished in a long 22 (I think), which is about 30 sec slower than my best ever on this course, and I didn't regard it as a particularly quick evening. After the results, there's the map of the event and if you're particularly interested, you can see more telemetry by clicking link. Results

Astwood '10' 20th April 2011 - nice weather for a puncture!

This was a glorious evening for a time trial: clear, sunny and warm with a light breeze.  The ride up to Astwood from work was really quite pleasant, and I lined up to start with a rare bit of enthusiasm (usually, I'm a bit shattered from a dash from a hectic day at work but today hadn't been too bad). However, from my perspective, there's not much to report.  I set off in good style and felt like I was going well, only to suffer a front wheel puncture just before the Chicheley turn.  I had enough air left to get me most of the way back but for the last mile I was just bumping along. The event was won (I think - results haven't been sent in yet) by Chris Dunwoodie with a long 22, with Tony Parks a few seconds back.  Also worth a mention is Lindz's hird place in 23:12 (or thereabouts).  And many thanks to the start crew: Tony, Steph and Dick. Fortunately I could cadge a lift home, otherwise by the time I'd have got everything sorted, it would have been quite gloomy.  Like me.