Of oysters, oyster stout and kangaroo - and giant puffballs

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Oysters, opened, ready for consumption, raw[/caption]
After this morning's rather lacklustre time trial (see previous post), it was off to Woburn for the annual Oyster Festival, in which the town that's possibly furthest from the sea transforms itself into Woburn-by-the-sea for a weekend.  The centre of the town is filled with stalls offering oysters (and other sea food), beers (including the headline Oyster Stout), and a wide variety of mostly meat-focussed foods. First up for consumption was half a dozen rather large oysters, eaten freshly opened with a squeeze of lemon juice and accompanied by a pint of oyster stout.  This was from Marston's, from who's website the image to the right is linked.  It's a wonderful stout that makes an excellent partner for the oysters (though to doesn't itself contain oysters!). After I'd washed down the oysters, I still felt a little peckish, which is where the kangaroo comes in - it was off to the kangaroo, ostrich and crocodile stall.  Unfortunately the grilled crocodile had proven popular and there was none left (otherwise that's what I'd have had) - we had a roll filled with grilled kangaroo  (me) and ostrich (Carol).  Frankly, the kangaroo was a little undistinguished - I thought it could have been any grilled meat. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Giant puffball"][/caption] While walking over to Woburn, I happened to spot a few giant puffballs (Langermannia gigantea) in the verge, and nabbed a couple of relatively small ones.
Back home, one of these was the base for a rather nice pasta sauce, along with some smoked bacon.  Yum.  The other one went off with our friends...

Icknield RC Charity '10' 12/9/10

This was, to all appearances, a glorious morning for a time trial - clear with light winds.  It was a little cold, but I guess that's just to be expected at this time of year.  I was a little apprehensive, as I hadn't been feeling particularly well the day before.  Over by the start line, I soon settled in, with a nice chat with the timekeeper and pusher-off.  Hovering just to the north of the start was a splendid sight - about 25 hot air balloons, resplendent in bright colours and at various altitudes.  Indeed, one of them seemed to be coming down just across the A1 from Tempsford.  Putting that distraction to the back of my mind, I rolled up to the start line just a few minuted before my start at 7.25am.For what was probably the first time in riding on the F1, I got briefly stalled at the Tempsford flyover roundabout, as a car got held behind someone warming up.  This wasn't too bad, as the road surface on the roundabout is still in a dreadful state due to last winter's extended cold snap, and I invariably have to pick my way carefully round the potholes.  Once out on the A1, I was quickly up to speed, but not a particularly brisk speed.  Never mind, I thought, it'll be easier on the return leg.  I found it difficult to push out much effort - whether this was due to being ill the day before, I wasn't sure.  Over the Sandy roundabout and on to the turn at Warden Lane.  Now, I thought, it must get a bit easier...except it didn't. However, I kept the effort going well enough to cross the line in 22:56.  Not my best time of the season (by a long chalk) but not out of the frame set by other riders.  Most of the riders I spoke to felt it was a heavy morning, and difficult to get the speed up.  So, not bad. This was my last domestic open time trial of 2010 (my only remaining event being next week's Duo Normand) - and I have to say that it's  bit of a relief to have a break from riding up and down this particular section of the A1.  This season I've ridden events at 10, 25, 50 and 100 miles on the F1 courses, all of which focus on the A1.  In particular, the current version of the F1/100 is on the A1 for the first 86 miles.  I think I've become rather jaded from seeing that particular section of tarmac.  On the other hand, it has been a good season with by times at 10, 25 and 50 miles being my best for around 5 or 6 years.
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Catch 22 website situation

Grrr... Over the last couple of years, I've migrated two websites from their original hosting company to the same people who are my current ISP.  This was because of persistent "500 Internal Server Error" problems, always due to excessive load on the database servers.  These sites were flies&bikes and the North Bucks Road Club sites.  Since relocation, no problems whatsoever. Now, I find that the Team Grumpy site is effectively non-functional for the same reason, and advice from the hosting company is to make a copy of the database using phpMyAdmin, and use that to populate a new database on a different server.  That's a really easy thing to do...in principle, except that phpMyAdmin just times out, presumably due to the same server issues...leaving me in an annoying Catch 22 situation.

Posted via email from grumpybob's posterous

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North Middx & Herts CA '50', F1/50

I woke quite early for this event, and happily was headache-free.  After a hasty trip over I signed on, grabbed my number, and rolled over to the start.  This event had a very small field - 17 riders - and it's to the credit of the organiser that he persisted with running the event.  Unfortunately I was off at#2, which meant I was likely to have a pretty lonely ride, with only one rider to catch.As it happened, that's exactly what happened.  The course runs south from Tempsford to turn at the Sandy roundabout, proceeds north across the Black Cat Roundabout to turn at the Buckden roundabout.  From there, we return to Sandy, then back to Buckden before finishing at the Girtford underpass just north of the Sandy roundabout.  As an aside, I might just observe that by this stage of the season, I'm getting heartily sick of riding up and down that stretch of the A1! The nadir being the '100' I rode a few weeks ago - the first 86 miles were on this stretch of the A1. Anyway, I caught #1 before the first turn (less than three miles, and from there on, I was riding on my own until #5 passed me just after the second turn at Buckden with about 12 miles to go.  One reason I dislike being so early in a field is that having a set of riders to catch (and indeed a set of riders who might catch me!) is that there's an element of having a target to chase, which usually adds a bit of performance enhancement. As usual, I found myself flagging a bit over the last five or six miles, so it was a bit of a relief to squeak a 1:57 - only just though, as my time was 1:57:58! Only one more ride on the A1 in 2010 - next week I've entered a '10' on the F1/10, which I think runs from Tempsford to the Biggleswade North roundabout and back.  Next week's weather looks a bit crap as far as Thursday, hopefully it'll brighten up for the weekend, as not only do I have a time trial, but it's the Woburn Oyster Festival! RESULTS
Pos Rider Club Time N1 N2 N3
Matt Molloy
Finsbury Park C.C.
Tom Boulton
Finsbury Park C.C.
Dave Kendall
Finsbury Park C.C.
David Vaughan
North Road C.C. (2nd Claim)
Tony May
North Road C.C.
Robert Saunders
North Bucks Road Club
Neil Allonby
Icknield R.C. Compomotive Wheels
Paul Bachini
Icknield R.C. Compomotive Wheels
Christopher Symonds
North Road C.C.
Peter Harridge
Icknield R.C. Compomotive Wheels
Dominic Whitehead
Herts Wheelers (2nd Claim)
John Pfeifer
Icknield R.C. Compomotive Wheels
Richard Marriott
Verulam C.C.
Jonathan Shubert
Verulam C.C.
Ian Bibby
Finsbury Park C.C.
DNF Punc
Samuel Skuce
Verulam C.C.
Chris Smith
Whitewebbs C.C.
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Astwood '10' 4/9/10 - lovely morning...but...

An early morning autumnal fog had just lifted to reveal a gorgeous time trialling morning - sunny and virtually still - as I rolled up the Astwood this morning for the 8th and final NBRC League event of 2010.  Unfortunately a week of insomnia and a 24 hour headache didn't really leave me feeling really up for the event.  In fact, had it not been for its league status, I might have given the event a miss (particularly as I was down to ride the North Midds and Herts CA '50' the following day).  Still, there I was, ready to give it  go. It had been a week or two since my last club time trial, and it was good to catch up with the guys again - some, like Geoff P. have been popping out some good times, while others seem to have hit the doldrums a bit (rather like I feel).  Anyway, being a late arrival I ended up as last man off at #10.  At the due moment off I went, and despite having to ease off for traffic joining the main roadgot off to a good start.  I rapidly found myself at >31mph.  "This won't last" I thought, and so it transpired. I really didn't feel able to give the event full whack, and indeed for the first half barely got my heart rate into level 3.  Things changed a bit further on, though not enough to rescue my ride - I ended up with 24:13, I think (results to follow).  Fastest on the day was Geoff Perry (TeamMK), with James Fox (Luton CC) close behind - a really good ride given James was on a road bike with no tri-bars. I still felt rubbish at the finish, and headed off home to go supermarket shopping.  In the parlance common in my previous club, I went like a bag of spanners.  Let's hope it goes better at tomorrow's '50'...
Pos. on
Pos No Name Club Time Cat Vets Std .+ / - Vets Std
1 7 Geoff Perry TeamMK 23.34 V50 27.33 .+ 3.59 2
2 8 James Fox CC Luton 23.48 S
3 5 Lindz Barral i-Team CC 23.54 S
4 9 Richard Wood TeamMK 24.01 S
5 10 Rob Saunders NBRC 24.13 V50 27.33 .+ 3.20 5
6 2 Adrian Cox TeamMK 24.24 V49 27.20 .+ 2.56 6
7 4 Rob Chaundy TeamMK 25.44 V58 29.20 .+ 3.36 4
8 3 Clive Faine TeamMK 27.04 V64 30.45 .+ 3.41 3
9 1 Karl Reed-Simpson Private 27.07 V44 26.18 .- 0.49 7
10 6 Gilbert Wheelwright NBRC 27.29 V68 31.45 .+ 4.16 1