Why study fruit flies?

What is Drosophila?flies

My laboratory uses the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model for biological processes, and in particular the biology of oxidative stress resistance and ageing. The value of this organism stems largely from its highly developed background of genetic research, and the sophisticated techniques of genome manipulation which are available.

 Keeping Drosophila

One of the major attractions of working with Drosophila is the modest culture requirements. We keep flies in plastic vials 8cm x 2cm, containing about 5-10 ml of food, and stoppered with cotton wool. The food is a mixture of dried yeast molasses sugar and cornmeal, thickened with agar (vegetarian jelly), though different labs use slight variations of the same basic recipe.
Drosophila breed quickly : at 25oC it take only 10 days from egg to adult!
Of course, to look at the flies under the microscope, we need to stop them moving (but not killing them, since we may need use them to set an experiment up). To do this, we place them in a stream of carbon dioxide, which rapidly puts them to sleep. They also recover very rapidly.

Drosophila has been used as a subject of genetic research since early in the 20th century. It is ideally suited, many genetically distinct strains can be maintained in the lab, and large numbers can be examined readily. Mutations affecting a wide variety of characteristics can be identified for study, including mutants altering the fly''s appearance, viability, fertility or behaviour.
Modern molecular genetic techniques in Drosophila are very sophisticated, and we can relatively easily make “designer flies” with particular genetic characteristics.

Drosophila as a model system
Most biological processes are remarkably similar in comparisons between flies and other animals, such as humans. This conservation makes flies particularly useful at investigation fundamental biological processes of great relevance to human health and development, quite apart from the intrinsic interest in investigating biology.
Clicking here take you to a description of a genetic analysis of fly development. It may seem strange at first sight, but the genetic control of basic developmental processes are remarkably similar in flies and man. Some of the key figures in this research, Ed Lewis, Christiane Nusslein-Volhard and Eric Weischaus, were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1995, for their pioneering work on the genetics of development in Drosophila.

Flies and ageing
In my lab, we are using flies to investigate lifespan and ageing. Our flies live an average of about 50 days in the culture conditions we use. While this may seem trivial, it''s an extremely important factor, as you cannot complete many lifespan experiments with an animal which has a lifespan measured in years. An additional factor is that we can breed large numbers of flies, and the large sample sizes make statistical interpretation easier.
We have been studying the consequences of increasing the fly''s resistance to chemical damage, and evaluating the correlation with lifespan.

Links to online resources

FlyBase – the Drosophila genetics and molecular biology database
The Bloomington Stock Center – The largest Drosophila stock centre
The Szeged stock centre
The Tucson stock centre – Drosophila species
The FlyBase BLAST service
Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project (BDGP)

The Gal4-UAS transgenic system

The Gal4-UAS system was devised by Andrea Brand and Norbert Perrimon some years ago, and it remains one of the more powerful contributions to the modern Drosophila genetic toolbox.

The system relies on a combination of two engineered P elements.  P elements are a naturally occuring transposable element in the Drosophila genome: a complete 2.9kb element encodes a transposase enzyme that catalyses the element's excision and reintergration at novel sites.  P elements were the first germline tranformation system developed for Drosophila.  An engineered P element contains a marker gene that confers an easily recognised phenotype on flies bearing the element.  Nowadays. the most common marker gene is white, which is required for the eyes of the fly to take up the red and brown pigments that give Drosophila its brick red eyes (white is so-named because mutants have white eyes due to an inability to take up pigments).  

The first element of the Gal4-UAS system carries to transgene to be expressed, downstream of several copies of the yeast Gal4 Upstream Activating Sequence (UAS).  Essentially, the UAS is a sequence to which the yeast Gal4 transcription factor binds, thereby driving transcription of the downstream sequences (in this case, the transgene of interest).  In the absence of Gal4, the transgene contained within this element is transcriptionally inactive.  We can refer to this element as the responder element.

Since Gal4 is a yeast transcription factor, how can we cause the transgene to be expressed?  This is achieved by using a second element, which expresses the gene encoding Gal4 in specific cells and at specific times.  This element can be referred to as the driver element.

In practice, we can drive expression of our transgene, by crossing a strain of flies carrying a driver element with our strain carrying the responder element.  In the progeny flies which carry both elements, the transgene will be expressed in whatever cells are expressing Gal4.  For example ey-Gal4 uses the eyeless gene promoter to express Ga4 in the developing eye.

It follows therefore that a single transgene can be expressed in any number of spatiotemporal pattern for which a driver element can be obtained - and there is a huge array of different drivers available.  To this can be added an extension to the system - by using a Gal4-progesterone receptor fusion (called GeneSwitch), we can add a further level of control- the GeneSwitch version of Gal4 is only transcriptionally active when it binds the progsterone analogue RU486 (usually administered in the fly's diet).

In Search of Robert Millar - Richard Moore

In Search of Robert Millar


When I became interested in cycling again in the late 1980s, Robert Millar was for me the big name in the professional peleton. Only being peripherally involved in cycling at that time, I was really unaware of the Millar's full career at that time. Richard Moore has written an excellent account of Robert Millar's rise from Glasgow club cyclist to arguably Britain's finest professional road cyclist.

Richard Moore is himself a former racing cyclist, having ridden for Scotland on at least one occasion - this background understanding helps illuminate the book, but (fortunately) does not make this purely a cycling book.

Robert Millar was (and remains) a rather inscrutable individual. Through his career, he was unwilling to court the limelight, preferring his actions on the bike to speak for him. In keeping, he appears to have offered virtually no assistance in the preparation of this book. Indeed, the only direct quotes from him related to the biography are in the email exchange presented as a postscript, in which the author manages to penetrate the shroud of mystery Millar has built up around him in his retirement.

Despite this, the biography succeeds in painting a detailed picture of the man, warts and all, by talking with many who have raced and working with him over the years. Generally, it's notable that the majority of those interviewed for the book have favourable opinions, even those offering critical comments. I found the description of Millar's ascent from club cyclist to overseas amateur and through several professional squads to be inspiring, occasionally sad (e.g. the story of how he came to second behind Delgado at the Vuelta), exciting (e.g. several stages won at the Tour, and riding shotgun for Roche at the Giro), frustrating (e.g. his work in management within BCF/BC following his retirement), and plain baffling (his absolute disappearance in recent years following intrusive investigation into his private life by the tabloid press).

Robert Millar's career makes a hell of a good story, the book's a good read, and I rate it highly!

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