Hitchin Nomads '10' (F1/10) 31/7/11

A lovely morning greeted us as we loaded my bike into the car.  As we drove over to Tempsford, the conditions became rather misty though this had cleared by the time we lined up at the start.  Also rather disappointing was the head wind to the turn, which rendered the outbound leg rather stodgy - I was certainly struggling to keep the speed over 25mph. The current incarnation of the F1/10 runs southbound from near Tempsford, across the Sandy roundabout to turn at the Biggleswade North (Warden Lane) roundabout, with a finish line really close to Tempsford Hall.  Joining the A1 after the start is rather nice - it's a sliproad coming down from a flyover.  Unfortunately, the 29+mph I'd got up to coming down the sliproad soon evaporated and I was plugging along trying to keep the speed above 25mph.  Once at the turn, things looked up a bit and I found myself doing 28-30 mph most of the way back from the turn. I finished with 22:33 (somewhat better than I'd expected in the first half of the race), around 18 seconds slower than Tony.  In fact there weren't many really quick times today - the event was won with a 21, I think. Back home, where Tony and I had cappuccinos, then nipped out for a 33 mile easy ride  out through Soulbury, Stewkley and Hoggeston, during which we saw some charity bike ride under way.  All in all a rather good Sunday morning.
Pos Rider Club Time
1 J Bates Team Milton Keynes 00:21:15 V
2 T Davies Icknield RC 00:21:42 V
3 D Kealey Finchley RT 00:21:56 V
4 N Stephens Finchley RT 00:22:03 V
5 A Strickland Cambridge CC 00:22:12 V
6 T Parks North Bucks RC 00:22:15 V
7 S Tarry Chronos RT 00:22:16 S
8 N Pitt Chronos RT 00:22:18 S
9 C Symonds Bike and Run London 00:22:29 S
10 K Gill PCA Ciclos Uno 00:22:30 V
11 I Bibby Finsbury Park CC 00:22:31 V
12 R Saunders North Bucks RC 00:22:33 V
13 G Perry Team Milton Keynes 00:22:35 V
14 J Hargrave Spalding CC 00:22:36 S
15 K Read North Norfolk Wheelers 00:22:53 V
16 P Davis St Ives CC 00:22:57 V
17 A Halliday Westerley CC 00:23:00 S
18 N Ellison Beyond/WDBMC/Specialized/RRP 00:23:02 S
19 M Horton CC Ashwell 00:23:10 S
20 R Palmer Team Salesengine.co.uk 00:23:25 V

Telomeres, exercise and the work ethic...

It's not often I see telomeres referenced in a web comic. Here's today's Dilbert: Dilbert.com

Stony '11.4' 27/7/11 - another cancelled event!

This event was looking promising.  A warm and overcast evening, there was a breeze that looked likely to help the riders up the hill to Nash.  The timekeepers, riders and associated personnel were congregated at the start, when a bloke in a big 4x4 pulled up an announced that there was a significant car crash between Beachampton and Nash. This was just before the first rider was about to start - we duly held off starting and dispatched Chris on his motorbike to investigate whether the road was indeed closed.  It turned out to be the case, and the location of the crash prevented us from switching to the Whaddon circuit. So that was that.  A 33 mile round trip and no race!  This is the second time in three events that we've bee forced to cancel an event just as we were to start. Not riding events is becoming a bit of a feature of my 2011 season!  Hopefully the Hitchin Nomad '10' using the F1/10 on Sunday will go ahead without disruption.

CAS and the farce of the Contador clenbuterol case

This is getting ridiculous. Alberto Contador tested positive for a vanishingly small amount of clenbuterol about a year ago. At the time I felt that the small concentration found (which was several orders of magnitude below the testing ability expected of a testing lab) meant that guilt for clenbuterol use might become a lottery of which lab was selected to test a sample (Is Alberto Contador really positive for Clenbuterol?). Now comes the news that the CAS inquiry, already delayed from before the Tour de France until August is to be further delayed till November (Contador CAS hearing postponed until November | Cyclingnews.com). The length of time this case has taken to reach a conclusion is nothing short of scandalous.  Remember that the UCI is seeking to nullify Contador's 2011 results.  Assuming that he's found guilty, of course.

Stagsden '10' 20/7/11

The recent weather patterns were forecast to continue for this event - heavy showers were to be the main feature.  As it turned out, despite the glowering clouds, all we got was a little light drizzle for a few minutes. The Stagsden course (see map below) isn't a very frequently used course, so it made a bit of a change from the regular events.  Unfortunately, I rarely ride on the course, as in my annual cycle of work, I'm generally working away from home at this time of year.  I put this lack of 'course experience' down as the explanation of my lousy start in this event.  Shooting off from the start in decent style, my rheumy old eyes couldn't believe the 29.9mph my computer was showing.  Unfortunately, the road then went upwards - not as who should say a mountain, but a significant impediment to a rider in an inappropriate gear!  I found myself plugging up this gentle undulation at embarrassingly slow speed, before reaching Astwood and lifting the pace significantly.  I suspect this, and the ensuing oxygen debt cost me quite a few seconds, and indeed made me wonders what I was playing at. Fortunately, things improved from there, as I picked up speed between Astwood and the small climb to Chicheley, and made it to the turn roundabout in decent style.  Coming out of the turn, I could see Tony (who started a minute behind me) was gaining on me.  This spurred me on, and this together with a gentle tailwind no doubt lifted my pace for the return leg (you can see this in the Garmin trace below).  Despite getting stalled a bit by a motorist who was being excessively cautious in passing riders I was about to catch, I felt pretty good about the return leg, finishing in 22:48 (I think).  Results to follow. I was of course beaten by Tony (and also a visitor from Finchley RT), but that's kind of to be expected, I think, and at least he didn't catch me.  So, second NBRC rider in a League event.
Pos Name Club Time Cat + / - Vets
1 Andy Hastings Finchley RT 21.35 S
2 Tony Parks NBRC 22.30 V46 +4.12 4
3 Rob Saunders NBRC 22.49 V51 +4.57 2
4 Trevor Hook TeamMK 23.43 V53 +4.29 3
5 Anthony Batt NBRC 23.52 S
6 Ian Markham Chronos RT 24.35 V42 +1.19 6
7 Alan Crane Chronos RT 25.14 V42 +0.40 7
8 Clive Faine TeamMK 26.02 V65 +4.58 1
9 Graham Line NBRC 27.38 V46 -0.56 8
10 Gilbert Wheelwright NBRC 27.49 V68 +3.56 5
11 Alan Lawson NBRC 28.03 V43 -1.57 9
12 Tony Brunton NBRC 29.18 V46 -2.36 10
13 Dave Crane Chronos RT 32.55 V46 -6.13 11