- 18-button mouse (possibly 16 buttons too far!)
- A Second Raspberry Pi Squeezebox
- A variety of iPad apps
- Amazon Kindle 4
- Amazon's Kindle 2 - my next gadget?
- Bizarre design flaw in the Cowon X7 media player?
- Chez Grumpy gets a new router
- Christmas project 2009: installation of a NAS for backup and data storage
- Cowon x7 Personal Media Player
- Cowon X7 PMP review, Part 2
- Cream teas and a broken spoke - out in the sun on the blue tandem
- Ecoflow magnets - fact or fiction?
- European OLPC Give one, get one - more details
- FrogPad mini keyboard
- Goodbye leap year for Zune owners!
- Google's Chrome OS to be launched 2010
- Heatmap of iPad screen use
- HiFiBerry DAC for the Raspberry Pi
- I fought iTunes, and iTunes won!
- In which I buy yet another gadget