Astwood 10 22nd March 2014

This event was transferred to the backup course - the Stagsden ’10’ - owing to roadworks on the Astwood circuit. It was another cold and windy morning, and I was feeling decidedly ropy after my recent trip to Africa. Not because I’d caught anything, but maybe because of the continued antimalarial tablets. Anyway, on the day I felt distinctly sub-par, and shortly after starting I found myself on the climb up to Astwood into the teeth of a stiff and cold breeze. Sadly, I was struggling and couldn’t keep a decent speed up. Once past Astwood, things did improve, but the nagging headwind really did keep me in check. As I moved up to catch my minute man, I found my progress impeded a bit by a line of cars behind him (the leading car seemed rather timid), but eventually I made it. Once round the roundabout, things were a bit better, indeed I topped 37mph. But it wasn’t enough to compensate for my lack of form on the outbound leg and I finished with a long-ish 25. What was worse was that I had a horrible cough - and that was still with me on Sunday! Ho hum. Results at the NBRC website Here’s the Garmin trace (to be added)