Stoke Hammond '10' 12/8/15

This was rather a nice and warm evening with only a gentle breeze to disturb the riders tonight. I was out riding my Cervelo P3 newly fitted with Powertap P1 power meter pedals - I wanted to road test the bike before taking it to France next week for a holiday (in which I'd be practicing 2-up technique with Gerry), and at the end of September (when I'll be racing the Duo Normand with Gerry). Unfortunately I was floundering a bit, and rarely felt good, I finished well down the field and was  third NBRC rider behind Andy and David, who both did fine rides on the evening. Whether this was just down to me having an off day, or not feeling too comfortable of the P3 is moot. Suffice it to say that my dismay at my performance was somewhat allayed by being pleased at other good NBRC performances! The other high point was witnessing the Equipe Velo boys trying to stuff their numbers into their NoPinz number pockets. Jez Honour won the event, setting a new course record of 21:04. Results at the NBRC website.