Beds Road CC '25' 7/8/16
Rather a windy morning on the F1B/25 for this event, and mostly it manifest itself as an unhelpful sidewind! There's a website which uses the weather forecast to predict conditions for a given time trial - MyWindsock - so actually I had a pretty good idea what it was to be like. I was mostly worried about steering in a strong crosswind, but in fact that wasn't so much of a problem. Instead the windy conditions just made the ride hard.
As an early starter, the road was pretty quiet, and I had no hold-ups on any of the roundabouts. I reached the turn in a shade under 30 minutes, and the finish in 58:20.
Davey Jones was out again with his camera - the picture below is exiting the final RAB at Sandy with about three miles to go.
[caption id="attachment_3691" align="alignnone" width="474"]
Three miles to go![/caption]
Results at the CTT website