By Robert on Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Category: Duo Normand

Looking ahead to the 2018 Duo Normand

After a fatality due to a collision between riders and another team's following car a couple of years ago, a change in course was pretty much inevitable. In 2017, the teams' following cars were taken off the course prior to the final out and home section of the course, as it was owing to the design of this part of the course that the accident was able to occur. For 2018, the organisers have announced a new course. This takes in about half of the 'main part' of the old course (but ridden in the other direction), before heading off eastwards.
I had made an approximation of the new Duo Normand course on Garmin Connect. Note that there's a little uncertainty around the precise start and finish of the course. It's likely that the finish line will be as before , in the main street by the square, and that the start will be nearby, heading downhill initially and then on to Montcuit. The profile of the course suggests that a reasonably flat and quick section is bookended by some pretty hilly stuff, some of which will be new to Duo Normand riders.
While on holiday in Normandy, I had a leisurely tootle round the course on the tandem, getting a bit of a feel for it, and how it compares to the previous course. Of course a ride on TT bikes will give a better idea of how it'll play out. The Duo Normand website has a video of some sections of the course. Some thoughts arising from our easy ride round the course:
All in all, this looks to being rather a good change to the event. It'll be safer without the hairpin section, and the sections used in the old course are now new to us as they are being ridden effectively in reverse.

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