I fought iTunes, and iTunes won!

Just a brief addendum to the previous posting about iTunes, iPod Touch and Rhythmbox.  Since then, I've ended up with updating iTunes on two PCs.  I intended to shift everything to the new Win7 PC (though in truth I rarely boot it into Windows), as I though its higher spec might enable iTunes to run at some speed other than glacial. Anyway, I tried updating my iPod to iOS 4.0.2 with the new computer and it threw up some cryptic message about losing all my downloaded apps.  So back to the antiquated laptop, where I bit the bullet and went through the whole rigmarole again.  I really don't know why I'm compelled to install Quicktime, nor do I understand why an application which exists solely to manage a bunch of files on a device connected by USB comes as a download of around 95Mb. I'm pleased to report that the iPod ugrade, while going at a bit of a snail's pace appears to have worked.  Disappointing that the voice memo app is still there (given that as far as I know, iPods have no microphone.  I can see visual changes throughout, particularly in the music player. And the app that started me down this road - iScrobble Premium?  It seems to work better under iOS4.  Next up, to try pairing the iPod with Rhythmbox.  I came across this tech site with instructions on updating a bunch of stuff related to allowing Rhythmbox to sync with iPods running iOS4.  So the battle with iTunes may have been lost, but I've got my eye on the outcome of the war...

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