Valv. (Piti) - Swiss Court Dismisses Appeal

Cyclingnews has more on the Alejandro Valverde case (Swiss Court Dismisses Valverde Appeal |  Valverde has been implicated in the Operación Puerto blood doping ring.  The Spanish investigation was suspended because Spanish law didn't specifically prohibit this activity as criminal at the time.  However, this didn't stop the Italians' enthusiasm for pursuing the case and having matched Valverde's DNA to the blood in the bags labelled 'Valv. (Piti)', CONI banned him from racing in Italy for two years.  This of course includes any races (such as last year's Tour de France) which cross into Italy. Valverde appealed to CAS - but that was rejected.  It also turns out that he appealed to the Swiss Court of Civil Rights.  It's not clear to me why he's appealed to the Swiss court (unless he has a Swiss licence, perhaps), but that appeal failed, apparently because it was lodged before the CAS verdict was issued.  Apparently Valverde's appeal was based on his claim that
[...] that one of the arbitrators on the panel, Ulrich Hess, was not neutral because he had worked for the World Anti-Doping Agency.
So, a bit of a non-story in this long-running saga.  None of the appeals seem to relate to the accuracy of the crucial claim: that the Valv. (Piti) blood has a DNA match to Valverde.

xkcd on HDTV

I reckon I need to look at one of these HDTVs's xkcd's take!

Norlond Combine '10' F1B/10 25/4/10 - Aaagh!

I had expected a nice morning for this 10 mile time trial on the F1B/10 but as it turned out, while it was quite a quick morning, the weather wasn't too great.  It rained for the whole time I was on the course, at times rather heavy.  And I spent rather too long out on the course! I travelled out with Chris Hartley (Team Salesengine), and we were conveniently close in the start sheet (he was 64, I was 67, with his team mate Dave off a minute ahead of me).  The rain had started while the early riders were on the course (e.g. the 2-up teams), and had properly set in by the time Chris and I left his van.  I just did a quick warm-up, and persuaded the GPS transmitter to behave properly. The start of the course is rather closer to the slip road onto the A1 that for the F1B/25: accordingly I was going pretty briskly as I negotiated the flyover roundabout (it has acquired some new potholes over the winter), and joined the A1 at well over 30mph.  I kept up a strong pace pretty much all the way across the Sandy roundabout, to the turn. Coming round the turn, I could see Dave ahead of me, tantalisingly close.  The realisation I was gaining gave me further impetus.  Then all of a sudden I heard the tell-tale pshh-pshh-pshh of a punctured tubular.  Hoping it was just a slow leak, I pressed on.  Unfortunately the tyre went down pretty quickly, and with a curse or two I pulled over to the side of the road and dismounted. It was still raining, as I started the long trudge back to Tempsford  - it must have been 4.5 miles to the finish.  Before I'd reached the Sandy roundabout, a passing marshal (from the turn, I guess) stopped and picked me up.  On the way back to Tempsford, we saw Chris driving south in the van trying to find me! After all was said and done, this turned out to be a pretty quick day, with both Chris (a 23) and Dave (22:37) doing PBs.  One can only speculate what I would have finished in, but it would probably have been my fastest '10' for more than three seasons. So, a bit disappointing, but an indicator that my form is returning. Next weekend, I'll be on the F1B/25 for the Icknield '25', and the following weekend the F12/10 for the Bossard Wheelers '10'. Here's a map of the F1B/10, though I turned the GPS off soon after I started walking.
View 10042501 in a larger map

Astwood '10' 21/4/10

On the face ofit, a lovely evening for a time trial.  In fact, as I rode up to Astwood from work, the temperature had begun dropping significantly.  Also, my bike computer was behaving rather aberrantly, and wasn't receiving much in the way of speed/distance, and to add insult to injury, its heart rate display was really very wobbly.  Maybe there's a battery issue. These issues notwithstanding, I arrived in good time for the event, signed on, and awaited the start.  My hope was to continue my recent run of good form and ideally finish in less than 24 minutes - an achievable gold.  I started feeling pretty damned cold, and indeed decided to ride with my long sleeved cycling jersey over my skinsuit.  I lined up as number 6, and at the allotted time, off I went.At first, all seemed well, though due to the computer problems, I had no way of know how well I was going.  I got through Chicheley still feeling OK.  A brief flurry of enthusiasm from the bike computer indicated my pace was pretty good after the turn.  Around the time I reached North Crawley, I discovered my left tri-bar extension had worked loose (this has happened repeatedly of late, and doesn't seem to respond to bolt-tightening, even with loctite).  From here on, it was a bit of a struggle, as my forearm was now resting directly on the base bar - not very comfortable! As I passed the right turn to Cranfield University, some blasted 4x4 pickup driver looked directly at me, and pulled out right in front of me, causing me to slow down nearly to a stop.  When I shouted "Oh, come on!", he stopped dead.  I thought about this for a moment, and pulled round him.  For the next few miles, the driver followed me close behind my front wheel.  I found this really quite worrying, as I was suspecting the driver might be about to do something dangerous.  In fact, he stayed there until the Bourne End turn off, when he eventually passed me.  Perhaps I'd just surprised him a bit - he certainly didn't seem aggressive. By the time I reached the descent before the finishing climb, my left forearm was a bit uncomfortable fro the base bar.  I wa still hopeful of a sub-24, in that delusional way that time triallists sometimes have.  Unfortunately, the "Grumpy Bob time compression effect" seemed to take hold - time which seemed to be passing pretty slowly through most of the ride appeared to speed up in the last few hundred yards, and ticked well past 24 minutes.  I estimated my finish time as around 24:33.  The offcial result is somewhat worse, at 24:36. To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed, and don't know if this reflects the circumstances of the ride, or just a temporary dip in form.  Hopefully the latter.  I've an open '10' on Sunday, and the next club event (Stony Stratford '11.4') on Wednesday, which should offer another opportunity to gauge my form.  In the meantime, it's getting quite urgent that I address this tri-bar problem. Results are tabulated below.
Pos. on
Pos No Name Club Time Cat Vets Std .+ / - Vets Std
1 9 Tim Carter Virgin Active 22.29 V44 26.18 .+ 3.49 2
2 16 Simon Canning TeamMK 23.01 V40 25.30 .+ 2.29 8
3 17 Aaron McCaffray AWCycles 23.04 S
4 12 Tony Parks NBRC 23.17 V45 26.30 .+ 3.13 5
5 18 Dave Glossy Team Corley Cycles 23.43 S
6 14 Lindz Barral i-team CC 23.53 S
7 6 Rob Saunders NBRC 24.36 V50 27.33 .+ 2.57 6
8 13 Geoff Perry TeamMK 24.43 V50 27.33 .+ 2.50 7
9 8 Glenn McMenamin NBRC 25.02 S
10 19 Phil Jenkins TeamMK 25.03 V41 25.42 .+ 0.39 .= 10
11 2 Julian Lane Unattached 25.27 V43 26.06 .+ 0.39 .= 10
12 15 Robert Chaundy TeamMK 25.45 V58 29.20 .+ 3.35 4
13 7 David Carrington TeamMK 25.50 V44 26.18 .+ 0.28 12
14 10 Ian Stokes NBRC 26.30 V50 27.33 .+ 1.03 9
15 3 Clive Faine TeamMK 26.55 V64 30.45 .+ 3.50 1
16 11 Gilbert Wheelwright NBRC 27.49 V67 31.30 .+ 3.41 3
17 4 Marcus Buksh Kettering CC 28.47 V46 26.42 .- 2.05 14
18 5 Nick Crook NBRC 29.33 V59 29.34 .+ 0.01 13
19 1 Tony Brunton NBRC 30.42 V45 26.30 .- 4.12 15
Time keepers :- Steph Cousins & Tony Farmborough NBRC
Pusher off :- Bryan Scarborough NBRC

Bedfordshire Road CC '25' 18/4/10

An absolutely clear and still morning greeted me as I loaded up the car to drive over to Tempsford for the Bedfordshire Road CC '25'.  This event, a 'slowest 90' time trial, was to be held on the F1B/25, a version (among many) of the time trial courses based on the A1 dual carriageway near the Black Cat roundabout. This course runs south from Tempsford to turn at the Baldock interchange, where the A1(M) begins (see map below). This version of the course undulates severely at the southern turn and is popularly regarded as slower than the versions of the F1 which head north to turn at Buckden.  On the whole, however, the return leg can be quite fast as the turn is higher than the start/finish. Of course, a clear night meant it was rather colder than it looked!  By the time I started at 8:54, two things had happened - firstly it had warmed up to a rather pleasant conditions for the event, but secondly, an annoying breeze had appeared.  This was oriented diagonally, but offered assistance southbound but a headwind northbound.  In my experience, this is the wrong way for a fast time on this course. I had a good start, though the two riders in front of my minute man didn't start, leaving rather a gap ahead of me.  I found the opening stretch up to the sliproad onto the A1 quite quick, and this was maintained, except for the climbs later on in the southbound leg.  There was little traffic, so I was surprised to be held to a stop at the Sandy roundabout.  I was unfortunately in a bit of a tall gear at the time, so getting the bike up to speed again was something of an effort.  I carried on, making it through the next two roundabouts with no trouble, and catching my minute man well before the turn.  At the turn, I was again held up by a driver, this time a learner, for whom the Baldock interchange seemed to be a bit daunting (and maybe not helped by having blokes in garish lycra on funny bikes turning up at roughly one minute intervals!). The second leg was pretty uneventful - other than it being surprisingly tough at times up the hills with the headwind.  Still, I made it back to the finish in 58:24, which I think was quite a respectable time.  My all time best for the F1B/25 is a 54:38, but I did that about seven or eight years ago and on a pretty good day for the course.
View 10041804 in a larger map Results
Pos Rider Time
1 Tim Davies 00:55:54
2 Sam Hayes 00:56:04
3 Peter Galpin 00:56:52
4 Kevin Gill 00:56:53
5 Malcolm Woolsey 00:57:58
6 Tom Boulton 00:58:17
7 Dr Robert Saunders 00:58:24