Astwood 10 20/8/14

symbol_03This was rather a cool evening, cooler than we’d experienced for a while now. Not bad conditions, with only a fairly light breeze. I was hoping for continued good form, though after a couple of hard days at work I wasn’t so sure things would pan out OK. We had a good turnout of 22 riders for this club event.

As we lined up for the start, we were rather appalled to find a small car parked exactly on the line. We quite properly resisted the idea of using the car as a starting ramp, and took the pragmatic decision to move the start a couple of bike lengths forward (the two lads who’s car it was moved it after a bit). There was quite a bit of combine harvesting going on, and at times a large cloud of dust and hay fragments could be seen billowing up from a field just ahead of us. Indeed, some starters appeared to vanish into it!

I set off quite briskly, taking my usual cautious approach to the first left turn. Out on the main road, I settled down into a decent rhythm. No real issues from the wind on my front wheel, except when I was passed (rather closely I might add) by an unfeasibly tall removals lorry. This left a spectacularly turbulent wake behind it, which gave me pause for thought. I had a moment of doubt turning left after Chicheley, on a rad surface liberally coated with wheat grain - I wondered whether this would be slippy, but evidently not!

I roared back up towards North Crawley, feeling pretty good, and staying low on the tribars. This just felt really efficient, and I have found I need to come off the tribar extensions far less frequently on the new TT bike. On the way round, I passed one of the Team Chrono guys pumping a tyre - he finished despite a puncture, and Steve walking barefoot, also having punctured.

I ended up taking the win with 23:36, which is always nice. Some pretty good times for such an unpromising evening!

Pos No Name Club Time Cat Vets Std .+ / - Vets Std
1 16 Robert Saunders NBRC 23.36 V54 27.04 .+ 3.28 1
2 17 Mark Ellis TeamMK 23.43 V50 26.45 .+ 3.02 3
3 22 Geoff Perry TeamMK 24.07 V54 27.04 .+ 2.57 4
4 12 Trevor Hook TeamMK 24.11 V56 27.14 .+ 3.03 2
5 11 Lindz Barral 24.18 Sen.
6 13 Jason Lee TeamMK 24.29 V45 26.23 .+ 1.54 .= 6
.=7 9 Alan Crane Chronos RT 24.40 V45 26.23 .+ 1.43 .= 10
.=7 10 Ian Markham Chronos RT 24.40 V45 26.23 .+ 1.43 .= 10
9 20 Andy Wickham NBRC 24.43 V44 26.18 .+ 1.35 12
10 5 Graham Line NBRC 24.51 V49 26.41 .+ 1.50 8
11 2 Sam Carrington TeamMK 24.53 Jun.
12 4 David Carrington TeamMK 24.57 V49 26.41 .+ 1.44 9
13 3 Kevin Stokes TeamMK 25.00 V52 26.54 .+ 1.54 .= 6
14 8 Andy Smith TeamMK 25.12 V57 27.20 .+ 2.08 5
15 15 Mark Westwood TeamMK 25.33 V40 25.59 .+ 0.26 14
16 14 Stephen Unattached 26.00 Sen.
17 1 Clive Faine TeamMK 27.23 V68 28.42 .+ 1.19 13
18 21 Luke Daniells NBRC 27.47 V41 26.04 .- 1.43 15
19 19 Neil Boddington NBRC 28.28 Sen.
20 18 Lucie Gallen TeamMK 31.58 LV43 28.19 .- 3.39 16
21 7 Dave Crane (Punc) Chronos RT 42.54 V49 26.41 .- 16.13 17
DNF Punctured.
6 Steve Torley TeamMK Sen.
Time keepers:- Steph Cousins & Tony "Desperado" Farmborough NBRC
Pusher off:- Bryan Scarborough NBRC