Still pottering around with
Mythbuntu! The PC I've set up as a MythTV PVR using the Mythbuntu distro seems to perform pretty well. The only problem still to be resolved is that of the Hauppauge IR remote control, but since I discovered the
MyMote app for my iPod Touch, this hasn't been too urgent. I'm pretty confident that I can get that sorted out.
At the moment I have this huge desktop PC case sat next to the TV with cables draped around connecting the sound and video outputs to the TV. Added to this is an annoying blue LED that flickers as the hard disk is accessed and a big blue LED ring around the power button, and it's immediately obvious that I need to see to the appearance of the device. A further point is that the hard disk makes
just enough noise to be irritating in a quiet room.
So, searching for an quiet and unobtrusive case has led me to order one of these:

This seems pretty plain, with most of the front access sockets and drives hidden by flaps. I was rather constrained by the components I'm working with - notably the full size ATX motherboard.