Goodwill to all...

The Rev Dr Peter Hearty of the excellent 'Platitude of the Day' website is clearly concerned that former Archbish Carey is rather upset at the (supposed) continued victimisation of christians in the UK*.  He thinks we should send Christmas cards to the poor old soul.

It's been suggested that Lord Carey deserves a response to his Not Ashamed campaign. He's obviously feeling a bit down, what with all this Christian persecution that's going on. I think the idea of sending him a Season's Greetings card, perhaps with a picture of some jolly penguins or some reindeer on the front, is an excellent way of cheering the old chap up.
Click over to Platitude of the day for more...I think I may well just do the same...and I'm sure Lord Carey, ensconced in the House of Lords with the others who are there merely because they are senior figures of the Church of England will enjoy all those seasonal sentiments and images.*Of course, not everyone agrees that there is any persecution.  The Bishop of Croydon disagrees (Bishop bashes Christian persecution complex).

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