FAQ - About this website

This website is built using the Joomla! open source content management system (version 1.5.5 at the time of writing. I am using this website for several purposes:

  • To host my genealogy work.  Check out the introductory page - this material is password-protected, contact me for details. 
  • To host articles about my main interests - cycling, reading, music and science
  • To blog about interesting (to me) topics in science
Please feel free to register and leave comments on any of the articles.

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FAQ - Navigation

Please note - these notes assume you are using the default template.

You can navigate via the separate menus on the left hand side of the screen.  Note that some menu items (for example, most of the Genealogy items) will only be visible if you are registeredand have logged in.  In addition the Logi/Register menu is only visible in the Home page.

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FAQ - New User Registration

Change applied 1st January 2009.

Owing to a number of apparently spurious user accounts, I've changed the way new user accounts are set up.  Before you can set up an account, you need to request a passcode from Robert (see "Email me" from the Main Menu for contact details).

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What are the Header images?

The header images are all related to Drosophila:

Above: These are the giant polytene chromosomes found in a variety of tissues in Drosophila - these are from the salivary gland cells of the third instar larva.  Calvin Bridges (see picture of the fly lab below) devised maps based on the banding patterns of these chromosomes - maps still in use today.

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FAQ - Tested web browsers

Since remodelling this website in August 2008, I have tested these pages in the following browsers and operating systems:

I don't have access to a Mac, so have not so far evaluated browsers on that platform.

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