18-button mouse (possibly 16 buttons too far!)

Apparently this isn't a wind-up, though it sure looks like an early April Fool.  Here's an 18 button mouse from OpenOffice.org, from a report in The Register (OpenOffice.org pushes gamers' buttons with OOMouse):


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How to be a computer expert...

From the excellent xkcd...the Tech Support Cheat Sheet...


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Microsoft embroiled in racist Photoshop disaster!

This just, in the "What were they thinking of?" department.  Poor old Microsoft.  They get splattered by the EU for forcing Internet Exploiter down the throats of Windows users, they get told by a Texan court to stop selling their biggest money-spinner, Word, and now they are embroiled in accusations of racism.

An advert featuring happy executives (one asian bloke, a black bloke and a white woman) was clumsily Photoshopped to replace the back bloke's head with that of a white bloke for the Polish marker.  The Photoshopping was pretty clumsily done, and they didn't edit the hand of the chap who lost his head. You can see the before and after pictures of this particular PR disaster at the BBC website.

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Big Train - Virginia Plain

For some reason this sketch popped into my head yesterday evening after seeing a commercial for a Roxy Music compilation CD.  It's from an unfortunately quite short-lived comedy sketch show called Big Train, and begins with Chairman Mao on his deathbed:

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNBOknvbPL8 425x344] 

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Mitchell & Webb - Homeopathic A&E

I caught this excellent sketch on this week's That Mitchell & Webb Look (BBC2).

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGIbOGu8q0 580x360]

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HT: Grumpy Twin

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Windows 7

 xkcd on Windows 7.  Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing Windows 7 - my experiences with Vista were rather unsatisfactory.  Mind you, I'm a confirmed Ubuntu user these days...

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New Linux mascot

The Register reports (Penguin-free Linux 2.6.29 kernel released) that the new Linux kernel release has ditched the usual penguin mascot, Tux (below), in favour of  a new one.

The new mascot, Tuz, is apparently a Tasmanian devil, and has been selected for this release to publicise the plight of the Tasmanian Devil, which is suffering from a particularly nasty infectious tumour disease (see for example my article In the Journals - Tasmanian Devil Tumours).  The new mascot's quite cute, particularly as he's sporting a penguin beak mask (El Reg suggests it's hiding a facial tumour).

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Snapping the Google snappers...

Among all the hullaballoo surrounding the nefarious activities of Google Streets, The Register has the answer: (El Reg Street View snappers caught on camera):

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The Register explains what a netbook is

Hot on the heels of news that Psion seeks to enforce ownership of the word "netbook",  The Register(So, what's the f**king difference between a Netbook and an ultrathin?) presents a useful flowchart which will you whether you are the proud owner of a netbook...or a plain old laptop...or a handheld....or an ultraportable PC...or an ultrathin...

 Now, as a proud owner of a (rather venerable) Sony Vaio nini notebook, an OQO UMPC, a Pocket PC, and a rather large IBM ThinkPad, what I really need is a princely purple PC formerly known as a Netbook..

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There's probably no teapot

Been a bit busy over at Wonderful Life, and at work this week to maintain the accelerating pace of blogging.  Here's an amusing little website animation for your amusement.  Thanks to the excellent PZMyers for the headsup.

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SCO make sense at last, sorta

For those of us who've been following ill-fated and badly led software company SCO's ill-judged crusade against Linux (see Groklaw for a full history), The Register has an amusing story (SCO boss to customers: 'Blah. Blah. Blah') - pointing out that SCO's website features a rather bizarre message from Company President Jeff Hunsaker.

Just in case SCO wake up to this cockup, those cheeky chaps at El Reg have saved a copy.

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Border Guards vs Drosophila, part 2

It's all got rather Kafka-esque as I try to resolve the ongoing Drosophila importation crisis!  It transpires that the people who have decided that importation of Drosophila should be covered by legislation aimed quite properly at preventing the import of diseased farm animals are a subsidiary of Defra (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) called Animal Health.

Now clearly these people have a vitally important job, particularly in light of recent outbreaks of bluetongue, foot and mouth and the potential threat of avian influenza (to which we can add the problems currently afflicting honey bees).  But nowhere on their website do I see indication of why they feel they need to hold up my harmless flies, which are not an agricultural pest, transmit no disease, are not harmful, and in any case would be unable to survive outdoors anyway.  To add to that list of characteristics, these are weak strains carrying recessive lethal mutations.  This is how they describe themselves and their responsibilities:

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Ecoflow magnets - fact or fiction?

Picked this one up via Ben Goldacre's Bad Science miniblog, in turn linking to the Daily Mirror's site, where an article by some investigative journalists questions the efficacy of Ecoflow magnets.

It's a pretty straightforward debunking of the claims that these magnets when strapped onto fuel pipes improve fuel efficiency, cutting costs by 5-20%.  Similar devices, marketed as Bioflow are claimed to be benficial for arthritis sufferers.  Amusingly the company leaves any such claims to its network of distributors following a ruling from the Advertising Standards Authority:

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Panda diplomacy

I see from the BBC news site that panda diplomacy is on again - China has gifted two giant pandas to Taiwan.  I admit that giant pandas are cute, and have the interesting novelty of a extra digit (the "Panda's Thumb") that is derived from a modified sesamoid bone.  But, really, a carnivore that subsists on a diet that is 99% bamboo, that cannot digest cellulose, and which needs to consume 9-14 kg of bamboo shoots a day has been dealt a rather unfortunate hand!

On the other hand, this YouTube video never fails to make me laugh:

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Towards a Scottish spaceport?

News reports on the BBC somewhat precede April 1st.  Apparently the Scottish National Party want an airbase in Scotland  to be used as a Scottish spaceport.

The party's Westminster leader, Angus Robertson, wants Virgin Galactic to use RAF Lossiemouth in his constituency as a base for space tourism.  

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Bush versus the shoe-flinger

Well, I have to confess that I have some sympathy with this Iraqi journalist.  One might suspect Bush was lucky they were only shoes, after the mayhem he wreaked on the Middle East.

 [video:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9uIj0YvDBKE 425x340]

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Santa vs God

So, is a belief in Santa Claus (he of the Coca-Cola-inspired red outfit) any less resonable than a belief in God (any God)?  The Unreasonable Faith blog thinks not:

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Answering the big questions

I found this cartoon at jesusandmo.net over at Pharyngula.


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New Humanist's advent calendar podcast

New Humanist magazine (they of the humanist trading card fame) - have an advent calendar in which every day in the run up to the annual midwinter festival of conspicuous consumption one of:

a stellar selection of comedians and scientists speaks about explains which scientist or philosopher they would like to celebrate each year as a rational substitute for Jesus, as well as what scientific Winterval gift they'd most like to receive.

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