review part 2 (weeks 3-6)

Well, I’m about 6 weeks in to my subscription. So far it’s been pretty impressive, and here are some observations.

I’m seeing a kind of regularity between each week’s workouts. Generally speaking, there’s a sweetspot workout, a strength/endurance trainer workout, a short interval HIIT workout and a threshold workout. These are supplemented by one or two longer endurance workouts, which I generally try to do outdoors.

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A new trainer - Tacx NEO 3M

The last time I bought a smart trainer, I plumped for a Tacx Neo. It’s a beast of a trainer that has stood up to the rigours of my indoor training pretty well in the 8 years plus I have it. Garmin Connect records that it has been used for 2665 rides (covering 92,968.4km) since 28 July 2016.

My usage stepped up after Covid struck in spring 2020, and once I’d recovered sufficiently from my early (and so far only) bout of Covid, I enlisted in Zwift, and pretty quickly was bookending my working day (working from home) with Zwift rides. At the outset, the first generation Tacx Neo was robust, and pretty silent. The internet seemed awash with tales of technical issues with these trainers, but mine has been pretty much faultless over the years.

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Three Locks Hill Climb 6th October 2024

I don't as a rule like hill climbs. I much prefer longer climbs that I can settle into. But I felt duty bound to turn out and be the sole NBRC member to take part in what is traditionally the club championship. I expect you can see where this is going...

This year's course was at Three Locks, and is actually a big ring kind of climb. Unfortunately the weather turned to wet as well as quite cool just before I rode over to the course! We had seven riders signed up, and six turned out.

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1001 Albums - 241-260

Another tranche of albums from the 1001 Albums You Must Hear list - I'm now more than a quarter of the way through. Several supposedly classic albums in here, some of which I felt were rather over rated.

I was disappointed by Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) by Eurythmics. The singles, especially the title track, are penomenally good, but the album as a whole dragged a bit. I think I felt the same about Touch.

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Moving further into the Garmin ecosystem

For years now I've kept myself from being too aligned in one tech ecosystem. For example, my main computer is a MacBook but my phone is an Android device. I've used Garmin bike computers for years now (since the Edge 500), but have always used Polar wristwatches. I measure weight on a digital (but not network aware) scale and blood pressure on a Withings unit.

My time trial bikes have Shimano cassettes matched with Campagnolo chainsets, SRAM chains and 11-speed SRAM Red eTap gearing. Oh, and for good measure they have Magura hydraulic rim brakes!

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Icknield RC Charity '10' 14th September 2024

This event was to be my penultimate time trial of 2024, but it turned out to be the last one as the invitation event on 22nd September was cancelled. It was billed as 'preference for slower than 22 minutes', and as my LTS was 21:57, it was a narrow squeak to get in (many thanks to the organiser on that front). I think that after all 22:00 and slower entries were accepted, the remaining places were filled from fastest to slowest, which would normally have left me in a gap between the two sets of entries. Anyway, I got a ride so that was OK.

As usual, I rode out to the event, about 23 miles. This always makes for a good warmup, and with the added excitement that a mechanical such as a puncture would likely cause me to miss my start! No misadventures, and I had enough time to collect my thoughts before riding up to the start line.

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1001 Albums - 221-240

The 1001 albums listing continues its anglophone trajectory. But for me, some outstanding albums here. The main highlight for me was the definitely non-anglophone debut album by Einstuerzende Neubauten.

 Kollaps by Einstuerzende Neubauten exemplifies the changes in accessibility to music over the last few decades. Back when this album was released (1981) I'd read about records in the New Musical Express, and maybe hear these records on John Peel's radio show. But in Edinburgh, where I lived at the time, you'd be hard-pressed to see these in the racks in a record shop - and there were loads of record shops in those days.

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Athletica AI Coaching review - Part 1 (weeks 1-2)

A bit of background on my online training

Over the last 25 years or so I've found that indoor training is the key to improving my fitness and performance in time trials. Away from the vagaries of dealing with terrain and motor traffic, I can focus on the workout rather than survival. 25 years ago, power meters weren't readily available, and one's focus was on heart rate as a measure of exercise intensity. Indoor trainers offered adjustable resistance, but little else. In those days I found the structured plan in Pete Read's The Annual Manual (the Black Book), which presented a month by month plan for training on an indoor trainer, to be highly effective.

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Old school tandem refurbished

As noted in a post from June 22nd (Revisiting an old tandem), our old Longstaff tandem has been back in use while the Thorn touring tandem was out of action pending the seat post stump removal and indeed since the Thorn was repaired. It must be 20 to 25 years since it has seen regular use! It's a remarkable sprightly ride, but in its original set up rather a harshe ride, especially for the stoker.


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Astwood '10' 28th August 2024

Well, this was the last of our club's evening '10's for 2024, and really I'm near the end of my season. I have done very few open events, largely because of various domestic issues, and I have two events to come: an open '10' on 14th September and an invitation time trial on a closed circuit on 22nd September. I'm now switching my focus on changing my training schedule - but more on that in a separate post (it takes time to evaluate a new training platform, in this case

Anyway, this was a pretty warm and humid evening for the nine riders who turned out for this event. As far as I could tell, my power was at my usual level, but didn't seem to translate into the expected speed (the time triallist's lament). After the previous week's difficulty in staying in the aero position, which was due to a combination of my sports glasses and the folded retention strap of my helmet, I felt pretty good while racing. Maybe it's just the end of the season?

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1001 Albums - 201-220

A good mix of albums in this tranche.

The top pick from the albums new to me was Leonard Cohen's last album, which his terrific world-weary voice. This one got added to my Qobuz playlist, and may get more permanently added to my library.

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Astwood '10' 21st August 2024

This was the penultimate event in our 2024 evening time trial series, and with some fast riders entered, some good times beckoned. 

For my part I hoped to improve on my previous ride where I recorded 23:57. The weather was pretty similar to that event, though a bit cooler and the wind was a little more gusty. nevertheless, having seen some improvement on my training metrics I had some optimism. Unfortunately, my ride was imacted by some discomfort on the bike. This was due to a last minute change back to a visor-less Kask Bambino helmet, used with my prescription sports glasses. I wasn't riding my venerable Giro Advantage aero helmet, as (due to its age) the various straps that hold it to my bonce were pretty much all perished. Probably it's time to ditch that aero hat!

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Electric bike pumps

There have been a few examples of electric pumps for bike tyres on the market over the last few years. The first I was aware of was the Fumpa Pump, produced in Australia. I have the original model, and the nano Fumpa. I've also bought a Cycplus A2 Pro. These devices offer some advantages and some disadvantages for the cyclist. So in order of purchase, here are my opinions.

As an opening comments, these pumps all have battery capacity limitation to varying extents. Obviously the smaller pumps are more limited in this regard than the larger models. But I would not take an electric pump (or for that matter CO2 cylinders) on a long bike ride in preference to a conventional pump. All these pumps can be used for inflating tyres with Shrader or Presta valves.

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Astwood '10' 7th August 2024

Originally set for the Stony Stratford course, we used the back up course of Astwood for this evening's event as we've seen very low entry numbers for the Stony Stratford course. As usual I prepared the timing and signing on sheets for the event, and rode up to Astwood on the P5 TT bike. 

We had 11 riders for the event, including a Sam, a new rider to our events. It was a little cooler than of late, with a blustery 17mph wind that promised to make the opening leg down to Chicheley rather tougher than usual. As it turned out, I think I rode a pretty good time trial this evening, recording a normalised power of 255W. Looks as though my form is building just as the season comes to an end! As expected it was a little tough out to the first turn but that was more than made up for by some wind assistance on the rest of the course. I finished with 23:57, which I was quite pleased with. It was enough for 2nd place - a distant second place behind Sam who finished with 21:01 despite a few hold-ups on the way round. I was first on vet standard.

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Astwood '10' 31st July 2024

After the debacle of a fortnight earlier, when our two lap event at Astwood had to be run as a single lap event with changed start and finish points owing to three-way traffic lights on the course, I decided it would be wise to check out the course first thing in the morning. Lo and behold, the lights were still in place (though one of the riders said they had been removed by the end of the previous week, so maybe they's been placed back).

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1001 Albums - 181-200

A bit of a mixed bag of albums here. Of those I hadn't heard before, there were a few I ranked 5/5, which is good.

The first of these was Johnny Cash At San Quentin. This I loved despite my dislike of country music. It had everything a live album should have from great interactions with the audience to great interactions with the band members.

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Brogborough '10' 24th July 2024

Thirteen riders entered this club event on the F15/10 Brogborough course. I'd been feeling pretty optimistic after my 21:56 in the VTTA '10' the other weekend! For the record, I've been following a TrainerRoad high volume 40k masters training programme - at least as best I can given various things impacting on my training. I don't do specific FTP tests as I prefer to use the TrainerRoad AI FTP estimation. I also track my training using which offers its own FTP estimate, usually a few watts lower than the TrainerRoad AI FTP estimate. I guess the true value lies somewhere between them.

On the evening of the event, we had a 13mph tailwind for the outbound leg, and a corresponding headwind on the way back to the finish. I'd chosen to ride the P5, and felt pretty good in my usual high gear with the tailwind. I'd noted good speeds whenever I looked at the Garmin - usually around 30mph. Of course things were a little harder on the way back, and while the power and heart rate went up, my speed and gearing went down!

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Tiny phone for bike use

I’ve increasingly felt the need to carry a mobile phone while out on the bike, and particularly when out on the time trial bike. This is for two reasons - firstly the potential need in the event of a mechanical I cannot sort out and secondly because there are functions I use on my Garmin Edge 840 computer that require a mobile phone.

Problem is that mobile phones have got bigger and bigger and my current phone, a Samsung model, is really a bit unwieldy for carrying, even in a jersey pocket. And when wearing a skin suit, the only real solution I’ve found is to carry it in a sealed case and hang it round my neck on a lanyard. That’s pretty uncomfortable!

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Astwood '20' 17th July 2024

We had rather nice conditions for our 20 mile time trial over two laps of the Astwood course. Unfortunately some traffic lights were placed on the course - three-way traffic control - just in the run up to North Crawley. This forced a change from two laps to the more usual one lap, and also to the start/finish points, which we set either side of the traffic lights.

I was well-warmed up before the start, but getting going on the aero extensions seemed a bit difficult, but by the time I exited North Crawley I was settled into a good rhythm. Because we were starting in North Crawley, the biggest climb on the course was within the first half instead of at the finish. Maybe this changed things a bit, but I felt like I held down a respectable power to finish in 23:43 to take second place on actual and on veteran standard.

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VTTA ’10’ F11/10 14th July 2024

This was one of my all too rare open events. The F11/10 uses the A41 as it bypasses Tring, and it’s the fastest local 10 mile course owing to the gift hill in the middle of the course.

The VTTA event was listed as preference to VTTA members, so the field was predominantly older cyclists with only a few Senior category riders (though many of the reserve riders were of that category).

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