Verulam CC '25', or how I seem to be spending a lot of time riding on the A1...

Another Sunday, another time trial, another spell of riding between Temsford, Sandy and Buckden on the A1.  After last weekend's '100', it would have been nice to race somewhere else for a change, but once again early Sunday morning found me ploughing my way up and down the same on road.   On a dull morning (only occasional sunny spells), there was a nagging breeze that should've made things easy northbound and a bit tougher heading back south but actually seemed to me to make it tough all the way round.Nothing much untoward during this race - I plugged southward to the Sandy roundabout where I got held up briefly by traffic, then headed north through the Black Cat roundabout to turn at the Buckden Roundabout.  A fairly dull event, enlivened by catching a few riders en route, and hearing what sounded suspiciously like a puncture (but wasn't - good job I didn't stop to investigate).  To be honest, my chest was still feeling the effects of Wednesday's club '10', and by the time I finished, I was coughing quite badly.My period of irritating mechanical problems have continued - after the event, Geoff pointed out I was missing a chainring bolt (and since these are a particularly unusual type using a torx key and from Campagnolo a replacement is stupidly expensive) - presumably it's out there on the A1 somewhere.  On the other hand, during the week, I identified the horrid banging noise that I thought was emanating from the head tube area was really the seat pack with tube, levers, patches and CO2 cylinder banging the seat post.I finished in 58:30, which was a little disappointing.

  131 Hits

Stagsden '10' 21/7/10 - There was something in the air that night...

For one reason or another, I'd never ridden this course before (I don't even know the course code!), so I was rather looking forward to having a go on this course.  the course itself starts in a laybay on the A422 near Stagsden, and goes west to turn at the roundabout junction with A509, before retracing (see the map).  The straightforward nature of the course didn't stop one rider from going off course...which I suppose reflects the fact that our club events are un-marshalled.The evening was warm and sunny, with a stiff breeze that threatened to make the outward leg quite tough.  And so it proved.  Immediately after the start you have to muscle up a quite steep (it seemed to me) rise, where I found out rather quickly that my legs really hadn't recovered from the '100' on Sunday.  I reached the top gasping and wondering whether it was wise to continue - my thoat was burning with the hot air.  I had no idea what speed I was riding at, since my GPS resolutely failed to communicate with the bike computer.  From there it was a pretty standard ride on an undulating '10' course, past Astwood, through Chicheley, to turn at a roundabout, where ofr a change I had no trouble with traffic, indeed a huge lorry waited behind me before entering the roundabout.The way back was pretty uneventful, and pleasingly quick after the outward leg, and I came over the finish line quite quickly.  But by the time I reached the meeting point, I was coughing uncontrollably.  I coughed all the way home, and carried on coughing till midnight.  I'm writing this blog entry on the following morning, and I can still feel wheeziness in my chest and I'm coughing hard.  So something's not right, and I am wondering whether there was pollen in the air 9though I've never been prone to hay fever. I'm not particularly pleased with my time, which I estimate as 23:14 prior to seeing the results, and I didn't feel I exerted myself particularly, judging from my heart rate recorded during the event.Still onward towards the Verulam '25' on Sunday, where once again I will be riding on the F1.  Yawn,Here's a map of the course (finish point approximate) - manually entered to Google Maps since the GPS messed up. results to follow.
View Stagsden '10' in a larger map

  128 Hits

Welsh councillor gets hassle for labelling Scientology "stupid"

The New Humanist blog is one of many web sites reporting on a fracas involving criticism via Twitter of Scientology (Welsh councillor in trouble for calling Scientology "stupid" on Twitter ). The synopsis of this story is that

When Cardiff councillor John Dixon visited London last year to buy a wedding ring for his wife to be, a stroll past the "Dianetics and Life Improvement Centre" on Tottenham Court Road (just round the corner from our office, as it happens) prompted him to make the following quip on Twitter:“I didn’t know the Scientologists had a church on Tottenham Court Road. Just hurried past in case the stupid rubs off.”
This has appeared to generate a bit of a problem for poor John Dixon, as the "Church" of Scientology made a complaint to the Welsh public service watchdog.  As a consequence Dixon's facing disciplinary action.Problem is, as someone who's read Russell Miller's biography of Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard (the wonderfully titled Bare Face Messiah), I rather inclined to agree with Dixon.  It's also why I place quotation marks around "Church", and why I believe Scientology is complete claptrap and an exercise in generating a huge income.  Herewith my modest contribution to the Streisand Effect.On the other hand (and in a spirit of even-handedness), I suggest the core beliefs of most established religions are equally loopy.

  152 Hits

Tour de France Stage 15 "Chaingate" - was Contador right...or wrong?

During Stage 15 of the 2010 Tour de France, Alberto Contador (Astana) took yellow after Andy Schleck (Saxo Bank) suffered an unshipped chain near the top of the major climb of Port de Balès.  Some people reckon this was an "unsporting" thing for Contador to have done, and indeed some quite vituperative exchanges have been going on in cycling forums all across the interweb.Personally, I think you need to bear in mind this was nearing the top of a climb, that the riders will have been really on the rivet, with all the attendant hullaballoo of the motorcade, helicopters and suchlike associated with the Tour de France.  Add into the mix the fact that all the likely podium contenders were there, it seems that Contador did the right thing, and specifically:

  • he had no way of knowing how significant the mechanical issue was (assuming he realised there was a mechanical problem)
  • he had no way of knowing how long it would take Schleck to deal with the issue
  • what would have happened had he waited, and the others had carried on?
I think the critics of Contador's actions need to remember this is race, not a club run...  Here's a video of the event (YouTube)And finally - at last a commentator who takes a rational view of the situation as it unfolds: Opinion: It’s wrong to vilify Contador by Neal Rogers (  Neal points out pretty much what I do above, and also adds:
But, like most things in life, this situation not that simple — and most people will make their judgments based upon how they already felt about either Contador or Schleck. We saw that during last year’s race, when diehard Lance Armstrong fans vilified Contador, ignoring the facts that Armstrong made his comeback into Contador’s team, that Armstrong did what he could to turn the team against Contador, and that the Spaniard did what he needed to do to assert himself as the strongest rider in last year’s Tour.
You could certainly discern the anti-Contador bias in comments left at the VeloNews site yesterday, and I'd concur with Neal as to the motivation.  Let's all see how this most interesting Tour unfolds en route to Paris.

  149 Hits

Time trial photos, July 2010

Dave Jones sent me some photos from this weekend's excessive time trial activity. First off, a picture taken at the API-Metrow '25', presumably at the turn.[caption id="attachment_950" align="alignnone" width="550" caption="At the turn of the API-Metrow '25', on the E2/25"][/caption]I was pretty pleased with my 55:43 in that '25', though a little worried that it might impact on my ride in the following day's '100', organised by the North Middlesex & Herts CA.  On the day, however, the wind presented a bigger challenge that the previous day's racing.  Here are a couple of photos from early in the event.[caption id="attachment_951" align="alignnone" width="627" caption="Riding in the NH&H CA '100', on the F1/100"][/caption]The hump on my back is the Camelbak drinks reservoir.  Actually in itself it was quite comfortable, though it forced my head down because of the shape of my aero helmet.  Hence I'm grimacing.  Well, that's my story, anyway.  Here's a side view.[caption id="attachment_952" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Riding the NM&H CA '100'"][/caption]You can clearly see the problem with the Camelbak hump and my helmet.  More than 24h after the event, my neck's still stiff.  Next time I'll choose a different helmet.

  101 Hits

North Midds & Herts '100' - purgatory on the F1/100

I was rather nervous for this event, coming so soon after riding the API-Metrow '25' yesterday.  In actual fact, my legs felt fine as I rolled over to the start line.  The event was run on a version of the F1/100 that I'd not ridden before (see map below)  Essentially, the course starts near Tempsford, then enters the A1 northbound at the Tempsford flyover.  The course turns at Buckden three times, with the southbound legs turning at the Girtford underpass, then twice at the Biggleswade North roundabout.  Reaching the Black Cat roundabout at about 86 miles, the course enters a finishing circuit along the new A421, returning to the Black Cat via Great Barford, to return along the A421 for a second passage for a finish a little way before Great Barford  In the past, I've always suffered badly from cramp in my legs at around 75 miles.  On this occasion, I was riding unsupported.Equipment-wise, I rode my Cervelo P3 with Hed trispokes.  This frame has a single bottle cage: I retained the Arundel aero bottle, which I filled with 500ml of electrolyte drink from Hi5 (free with some magazine subscription).  I also rode for the first time with a Camelbak, filled with 1.5 litres of PSP22 energy drink.  I also carried two bananas in my back pocket.  I drank from the Cmelbak at least every 3-5 miles, and had regular slurps from the bottle after about 40 miles.  So - how did it pan out?Well, my strategy was to hold a moderate pace - I was aiming for an HR of around 168-175bpm (which corresponds to upper level 2 and lower level 3 for me.  I pretty well stuck to that aim.  I also intended to sip liquid from the Camelbak and/or the bottle frequently during the race.  Unfortunately the stiff breeze that faced us on the southbound legs intensified during the morning.  I also found the riding position a bit challenging for such a long event (in part undoubtedly due to the Camelbak interfering with my Giro aero helmet's tail.In fact the southbound legs were a sore trial, the first two I was sticking to around 24-25 mph, but the third was horrid.  I found myself looking forward to getting off the A1 and onto the finishing circuit.  If only I'd known.  By the time I got onto the finishing circuit at about 86 miles, my legs were beginning to twinge with cramp.  This intensified on the second lap of the finishing circuit to a point where I had to stop and massage my legs.  And actually the A421 sections were horrendous all gently up hill with a stonking headwind.  All the riders I saw were grovelling on that section.  It was absolute purgatory, and it made the suffering on the Southbound A1 sections seem like a mere bagatelle!I'll update this with results when I can.  I did see a couple of sub 4 hour rides (3:58 as I recall).It was, therefore, rather a relief to finally pass the timekeeper's car for the second time, and noodle back to the race HQ, though with a rather disappointing 4:25:43 (I'd been aiming for a 4:15).  Oh well, win some, lose some.
View F1/100 in a larger map

  106 Hits

API-Metrow '25' 17/7/10

This was the first of two events planned for this weekend: tomorrow I plan to ride the North Middlesex & Herts CA '100' on the F1.  Well, we'll see how that goes, with only about 13h separating the two events!This 25 mile time trial was held over on the E2/25 near Newmarket, where earlier this season I'd knocked out a couple of 55 minute rides.  Today, Tony and I were pretty apprehensive as there was a very strong and gusty wind with occasional showers.  What's more, the wind promised to make the outward leg rather difficult.And so it proved. I found myself pushing along at a surprisingly slow speed, that correlated with low HR (I think my chest strap was playing up a bit), at least initially.  There were of course some faster downhill sections, but all things considered, the outward leg was slow, and indeed I wasn't really pushing it too hard - in the back of my mind were thoughts of tomorrow's '100'.Things changed once round the turn, when I could feel the full benefit of the tail wind, and thoughts returned to trying for a decent time.  Indeed, by the time I was passed by #95 with about 4.5 miles to go, I found myself cruising well in excess of 30mph.  I crossed the line in 55:43, my third 55 of the season.  It left me wishing I'd put a bit more effort in!  But we'll have to see what tomorrow's like for the '100'.  Tony finished with 54:40 and Geoff with 57:50, results we were all quite pleased with.Actually, once the race was over, my legs felt reasonably OK, so I'm quite optimistic about the bigger event.

  110 Hits

Belief in homeopathy not a selective advantage...

I rather like today's xkcd cartoon...even though they understate homeopathic dilutions...[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="271" caption="Dilution"][/caption]

  133 Hits

Phorm issues shares to raise cash

The much-disliked company Phorm, who develop probably illegal systems for probing web traffic using deep packet inspection with a view to selling on internet users' browsing habits, have been hitting rocky times lately.  With no commercial partners currently working with them in the UK, Phorm have moved further afield and explored markets in Braxil and South Korea.  In both locations, their plans appear to have hit the buffers (according to postings at the No DPI forums).  Faced with a bit of a crisis, they appear to be trying to raise a spot of cash, accroding to The Register (Phorm issues shares to raise cash • The Register).What's interesting there is the named markets currently being explored are Brazil and China.  Now there's a market the might succeed.  In the meantime, I wonder who would buy the projected shares in light of the woes that Phorm have been suffering of late?

  130 Hits

Astwood '20' 7/7/10 - Back to earth with a bump!

This evening's club event was the Club Time Trial Championship, held as usual over two laps of the Astwood circuit.  We had a pretty good turnout at the event (including at least one newcomer on a road bike), and though I felt a bit tired and unenthusiastic I felt pretty good at the start.  Unfortunately things most certainly did not go according to plan!After a lengthy period of hot and sunny weather, it was quite heavily overcast and rather windy.  The opening leg to Chicheley was harder than usual, due to the head wind, but as usual once round the sharp turn after Chicheley, the leg up to North Crawley was quite brisk.  Coming out of North Crawley I rapidly picked up speed again, and indeed was feeling rather good as I caught and passed Gilbert, who'd started three minutes ahead of me (#12 - #13 was Tony, #14 was the tandem pair).  Passing the turn to Cranfield University, I was momentarily distracted by a small car that pulled out in front of me, but on this occasion the drive rmanaged to get up to speed without holding me up.Unfortunately at the left hand turn towards Bourne End and Astwood, disaster struck.  Since I was approaching the corner rather fast (about 27mph, I think), I thought it prudent to brake as I entered the turn.  At this point there was a "clonk" and I lost all front stopping power and found myself heading rather fats towards the verge.  Somehow I avoided the low kerb and found myself bouncing along the grassy verge.  Which might have been OK, except there was drainage ditch which propelled me upwards and off the bike.Picking myself up, I checked myself and the bike.  Gilbert stopped to check I was OK, which was much appreciated - he accompanied me back to Astwood as I rather gingerly returned to the finish area.  It turned out my front brake's bolt had come loose (something I've never had happen before), and when I applied the rake it had shot out of the front fork.  Still, not other damage seemed to have happened (pending a close look at the bike).  Physically, I received a large bruise on my right shin and my wrists took some of the impact (as I write the following morning, they are rather sore).  So apart from those injuries and one or two smaller scrapes and bruises, I seem to have escaped without major injury.Oh, well. there's always next year...

  121 Hits

Training for time trialling

This year, as I enter my second half century, I've seen consistent improvement in my time trialling performances. As I write, I have ridden my best times at 10 miles (21:05, my best since 2002, and my second best time ever), 25 miles (55:29, my best since 2004) and 50 miles (1:57:45 and again, my best since 2004). So, what's this down to?The sceptics out there seem to reckon it's due to my new time trial bike, built around a Cervelo P3. I suspect it's more down to changed training practices. Back in mid-2009, I figured I needed to re-evaluate my work-life balance, since my working pattern was leading to ever-later finishes each day, and directly impacting on my ability to schedule training sessions. And as anyone should realise, the key to decent performance is a detailed and thoughtful training schedule. Indeed, way back when I was setting my personal best times in 2002-4 I was rigorously following Pete Read's Black Book, which is actually a fixed schedule of sessions based on heart rate monitoring.On the basis that a change is as good as a rest, I've been dabbling with power-based training for my time trialling habit since October (after last year's Duo Normand, in fact). I've reviewed the hardware I selected over at the Team Grumpy website - the Polar CS600X cycle computer with the WIND power meter attachment.Thus far, I've principally used the device on the turbo trainer bike. Despite frequently offered advice that the power system doesn't work on a turbo trainer mounted bike, it does seem to deliver pretty robust data. I also plumped for the Polar G3 GPS device. This bit of kit picks up the GPS satellite data and relays it to the CS600X head unit. My main reason for investing in the G3 was that I'd not need to get speed sensors for all my bikes. I'm pretty pleased with the G3, it seems to generally work well, once one has figured out the hopelessly inadequate documentation.I don't particularly like the Polar Pro Trainer (PPT) software that came with the CS600X - I have continued using the training software that I've used since about 2003 (VidaOne Diet and Fitness - formerly known as MySportTraining), but need to use PPT to get the GPS data downloaded. Both the Polar and VidaOne applications lose out quite markedly on the matter of displaying and analysing power data. After a spot of Googling, I came across an Open Source project - Golden Cheetah - which produces releases for Windows, Mac OSX and (most importantly) Linux. This offers a neat set of analytical tools which mean that power metering can be really very effectively used to deduce the effectiveness of training sessions.I have found Hunter and Coggan's book Training and Racing with a Power Meter to be realy invauable in making sense of a lot of the graphs and charts that GC can use to display data. The book's just come out in a second edition. GC aims to display data derived from a number of devices (and their individual file formats). Unfortunately the Polar CS600X produces two files - the first containing the session data in hrm format, and the GPS data within a second file in gpx format. GC imports GPS data in the Garmin tcx format. In itself, this isn't a major problem (for example the GPSies website offers format conversion, except that the session and GPS data remain in separate files.Fortunately Rainer Clasen has developed a series of perl scripts to do a number of tasks with such data files, including merging datasets - see perl Workout library. These do an excellent job, though you do need to know a little command line work. I got the scripts installed with a minimum of perl expertise (and I mean minimum!), though there were one or two snags in the files I was seeking to merge that required a little help from Rainer (for which, many thanks). Now I'm able to merge hrm and gpx files into a tcx format file, which imports well into GC.Next on my plan is to take power-metered bike(s) out on the road. I have fitted a second Polar WIND power sensor to one of my road bikes, and over the last week I've been evaluating the kind of training I can do with the extra information at my fingertips. Whereas on the turbo I principally use the power data to analyse my training sessions after completion, on the road I tend to keep an eye on the power output. In part this reflects the nature of the sessions - extended efforts on the road vsintervals on the turbo - but also that the readings are a little more stable than on the turbo. Neatly, GC has a Google Earth display which shows the GPS track of the ride, coloured to show 30s average power readings along the ride. Now, I'm not convinced of the importance of the power colouring, but seeing the route is quite useful.Despite all this movement towards power-based training, my main emphasis has remained on using power metering to analyse the training sessions rather than dictate effort applied. In particular, I've been using it to estimate my threshold power in order to monitor my progress through the training schedule. Instead, I rely mostly on the physiological readout of my heart rate. What remains is to incorporate all this information into a much more structured scheme over next winter in preparation for the 2011 season.

  154 Hits

An interesting debate on protecting children

After some parents were ticked off by social services for allowing their kids to ride their bikes to school, the Daily Telegraph has a Yes/No opinion piece (Should the Schonrock children be allowed to cycle to school alone?).  My sympathies lie with the Yes opinion writer.  It seems to me as a non-parent that kids are too looked-after these days.  Back when I was a kid, we used to roam off at weekends, get up to all sorts of scrapes, fall down hills and into gorse bushes, fall off bikes, fall into streams and the like (yes, I know it all sounds a bit Just William).  All part of growing up, discovering one's limitations and the like.Anna Maxted's 'No' argument begins with an explanation of the emotional response to an awful event happening to one's children:

Most parents are accustomed to that involuntary lurch of fear in their chest. It occurs when one of their children narrowly escapes death.In my case, it was the day on Hampstead Heath when I let the five-year-old push the baby along in his buggy. We heard screams and turned to see the buggy hurtling down a steep slope and smash violently into a metal fence. By great good fortune, the baby’s head missed the bars.Mr and Mrs Schonrock, of Dulwich, west London, are immune to such fears. They face the threat of being reported to social services for allowing their five-year-old son and his eight-year-old sister to cycle one mile to their private school every morning, alone.
But how does she know the Schonrock's are immune to such fears?  Perhaps they believe their children have received adequate training and preparation.  And in her example, why did she permit her five year old take charge of the baby (indeed she acknowledges here responsibility later in the article)?Where I live, we no longer see children out and about on their own, you just see them being ferried around in cars.  Is it wise to protect kids right through to adulthood?  How dangerous is childhood (and how dangerous should it be?On the other hand, perhaps my non-parental status influences my opinion...

  133 Hits

Whitewebbs CC '10' 3/7/10 - my fastest since 2002!

Over the last couple of days, the fine weather had continued, but since Wednesday it had become less humid making for better racing conditions.  I travelled over to the race HQ in Great Amwell with Tony.  The course for the event was the F20/10 (map is at the end of this report), a course I'd not ridden for a few years,The HQ's about two or three miles from the start which, once reached, there's no exit from (other than the course), as it's in a layby on the A10.  En route to the start I stopped to check my wheels - they've taken to making an annoying ticking noise - and found myself talking to rider #1 who strangely had the same model/colour of frame, same overshoes, same shoes, same helmet as I did!  Anyway, after a bit of banter with the start line crew (during which they let slip Bradley Wiggins' performance in the Tour de France prologue), off down the A10 I went.After a bit of heavy traffic just before I started, traffic levels seemed OK, though I did keep a careful look-out at each sliproad.  Soon after the start is a gentle rise that knocks the speed a bit, from an initial burst at 30+ mph, I found myself falling back briefly tp 23-24 mph.  However, soon back up to speed, I made it to the turn in good time (I estimated about 10 minutes) and set off on the return leg.  The gentle start-stop breeze had I think helped me to the turn, so I wasn't surprised to find it a little harder on the return leg.The finish lies at the far end of a very long layby, and by the time I crossed it, I'd been closing down on #2.  I'd also been looking at my computer, and was a little disappointed not to sneak below 21 minutes.  On the other hand, 21:05 is not half bad - as far as I can tell, the last time I went faster was on 6th July 2002 (8 years ago!) when I set my all-time personal best of 20:51 on the F1/10.  At that time, the F1/10 was a course that's no longer used - south on the A1 from Little Paxton to turn at the Black Cat roundabout.A gentle ride back to the HQ to find my result just going up on the board (I'll post results later when available).  Tony returned from his race a few minutes later, having recorded 20:46.  Altogether we felt pretty damned pleased with ourselves!
View F20/10 3rd July 2010 in a larger map

  274 Hits

Repeal the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Perusing the UK Governments web consultation on the repeal of unnecessary legislation, I came across this one - Repeal the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics — HMG - Your Freedom.  Woohoo!  Just for posterity, the proposer ays:

The second law of thermodynamics has been responsible for the decline in order everywhere since it was passed by the 19th century Kelvin-Planck coalition. It is high time we abolished this antiquated law and took the steps reduce the massive entropy deficit left by decades of inefficiency. This would, in a single stroke, deal with the world energy crisis and start to increase the amount of work available for British citizens, in an efficient cyclical process.
Well, at least it stands out among the more dull but worthy suggestions, and the reactionary suggestions.  And I have to say that I broadly concur with Big Brother Watch's list of ten suggested repeals.

  114 Hits

Stony '11.4' 30/6/10 - Drat, drat and double drat!

Another lovely evening (though rather too hot for me) for this club event.  A depleted number of "regulars" was augmented by some cyclists keen to give time trialling a shot - this was a nominated "come and try it" event.  I pounded out to the meeting point, getting there with a little time to spare.I decided to play around with gearing on the evening, and chose to tackle the main climb in a slightly lower gear that I would usually muscle up the hill.  It didn't seem to help - either I need to drop it further or I need to carry on grinding out big gears!  More problematic were the obstacles on the course this evening.  Firstly, a large tractor/trailer combo seemingly abandoned just outside Beachampton; secondly some silly kids leaping out into the course near the turn; and finally, I got stopped at the turn roundabout ("foot on the ground stopped") by a nose-to-tail line of cars coming from the right.  I don't know how much time that cost me, but I had to re-catch a rider I'd just past, and was myself caught shortly after while I was struggling back up to speed in a rather high gear.Anyway, roaring back down to Beachampton was pretty quick, and I was helped a bit by having a bit of a ding-dong with the guy who's caught me - I think I could descend a bit quicker, especially with my enormous top gear engaged.I finished with 27:51, which I wasn't hugely pleased with.  But I suppose taking into account my "excess baggage" and the hassles at the turn it wasn't too bad (any anyway this course doesn't best suit me).  I have a rare outing at an open '10' at the weekend, and it'll be good to see how that goes.

Pos. on
PosNoNameClubTimeCatVets Std.+ / -Vets Std
12Aaron McCaffreyAWCycles26.10V4029.20.+ 3.104
27Tony ParksNBRC26.18V4530.29.+ 4.112
313David GlossyTeam Corley Cycles26.38S
48Chris DunwoodieTeamMK26.54S
512Robert SaundersNBRC27.51V5031.41.+ 3.303
63Martin PaulNBRC29.42V4029.20.- 0.225
74Clive FaineTeamMK30.49V6435.22.+ 4.331
81Alan LawsonNBRC33.26V4229.47.- 3.396
99Simon KnatchbullTeamMK33.40V4229.47.- 3.537
1011Mike EdgePrivate36.58V4229.47.- 7.118
1110Laura PowellPrivate38.59L
6Adrian CoxTeamMKDNF Punc.
Tandam Event
5Christina WhiteNBRC29.09
Brian PrimmetNBRC

  125 Hits

Bizarre advertising

So, there appears to be a new Microsoft XBox 360 campaign running on UK TV, hot on the heels of the annoying Windows 7 shorts - I caught it last night on ITV. The first part of the catch phrase is:

Here today
which any rational observer would expect to be followed by
Gone tomorrow
But instead we get
Ready for tomorrow
Now, which slogan sticks? The one you expect, or the one you get?

  135 Hits

Physiology, training and the Masters cyclist

Pez Cycling has a brief article (Toolbox: What Does Every Masters Athlete Have in Common?) which touches upon the physical decline that faces the ageing athlete, and what to do about it.  For one in his second half century, there's always something a little depressing about such articles, but at least there is advice, most interestingly on the subject of recovery from training:

To me, the key is fitting workouts together like a puzzle. For example, perhaps one day the focus of the workout is strength type efforts, where the cardiovascular system is not overly stressed, but the essential component of strength is benefited. The next day, a focus can be more aerobic. In other words, you are working on different “systems” on different days.One addition item. In a recent study, 75% of athlete’s polled (not sure of the amount in the study, but it was large) said they applied some type of recovery program to their training, like recovery drinks, massage, etc. I still think the biggest and most important, regardless of all the other things you try is sleep.
Anyway, I'm encouraged by my performances this season - routinely hitting levels I've not seen since 2004.  A testament to more structured and analytical training?  Or just luck?

  126 Hits

Hemel Hempstead '25' F13/25, 27th June 2010

It certainly seemed as though summer had arrived when I arrived at Launton for the Hemel Hempstead '25', held on the F13/25 course.  Riding out to the start, it was immediately clear that my headset adjustments made before leaving home had left the bearings too tight.  I returned to the HQ and retrieved my mini allen key set.  A quick adjustment and I was on my way (with the allen key set in my pocket to be on the safe side).Before starting, I reconnoitred the finish area, since on a previous outing in this event, I'd been misdirected off-course by a charity ride marshal. It was quite clear that the finish comes after an annoying little climb.  I also straightened my handlebars a little. Lining up at the start, rider #4 asked if I had an allen key, as his saddle clamp (this was also on a Cervelo P3) wasn't tight enough - I was happy to oblige, and I think he was rather relieved.  Unbeknownst to me, #3 also had a mechanical - the nipple on his front mech cable had just popped off the cable en route to the start.  I've never seen this happen before!  He bodged a permanent shift to the big ring by wedging a stone in the front mech, which must be the most enterprising start line tech fix I've ever heard about!Anyway, my start finally arrived, and after some banter with the start line crew, it was off and joining the A41.  The F13/25 cruises along the A41, through Waddesden (where there is a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights - running red lights earns a DQ), turning at the first roundabout in Aylesbury.  The course is cerainly not flat, and there are some quite stiff, but fortunately short little climbs.  In particular, the road surface has degraded quite badly between Waddesden and the turn, particularly after the turn.  I'd caught all three riders in front of me before the turn, so the return leg was a little lonely.  And surprisingly tough - more so than the outward leg.  At least I never got caught at the lights in Waddesden (unlike the unlucky rider #3).By the time I reached the little rise to the finish turn, I was really hot, tired and my HRM was reaching in excess of 190bpm.  At last, I turned and yanked the gears up a notch for one last hammer down to the finish line.  My time of 58:50 was good enough for 10th place (start sheet of 49 riders had several non-starters.  the event was won in impressive style by Danny Axford with a 53:22.After the event, we pushed off to the Waddesden Garden Centre so C. could buy some requisites for the garden.  Oh and coffee and cakes.  Then home, where after lunch we nipped out on the Longstaff tandem for a 20 mile circuit.  A bit hot, really, and my legs knew about this morning's effort.
View F13/25 27/6/10 in a larger map

PosNoNameClubTime+/-stdStd Pos
150Danny AxfordArctic Premier RT53:22
245Jesse ElzingaBeeline Bicycles RT55:46
320David JohnsonVC1056:08+16:032
440André DyasonSt Ives CC56:22+14:453
537Thomas BellTwickenham CC57:44
615Pete LawrenceVC1057:51
722Thomas SutherlandTwickenham CC57:53
825Neill CoventryAPI-Metrow57:55+14:166
935John DowlingHemel Hempstead CC58:19+14:245
105Robert SaundersNorth Bucks Road Club58:50+12:178
1121Jonathan PageBicester Millennium CC1:00:15+13:017
1211John BourtonBicester Millennium CC1:00:18+14:374
136Stephen HewittHemel Hempstead CC1:00:48
1416Jonathan GillhamStevenage CC1:01:04
1542Nigel AtkinsTwickenham CC1:01:17
1628Clifford PriceLondon Dynamo1:01:30
1710Ian BrazierVerulam CC1:01:35+8:2913
1849Rob LuffBrighton Excelsior CC1:01:35+11:0810
194Neil FisherWelwyn Wheelers1:01:40+4:5017
203Mark SmeeFenland Clarion1:02:59+6:3415
219Richard HuttLampard RC1:03:17+8:5412
2236Christopher GreigVC101:03:44
2348Simon HemingtonHemel Hempstead CC1:03:52+2:0819
2427Jody ConibearHemel Hempstead CC1:04:30
2518Ian HuntingfordHemel Hempstead CC1:05:31+6:0816
267Julian BarnardDulwich Paragon1:05:35+6:3614
2717Tim CareyA5 Rangers CC1:05:44+3:4918
2814Steven AbrahamNorth Bucks Road Club1:06:41
2933Nikki HuntVTTA1:07:04+17:181
3032Les ChurchCamel Valley C&TC1:07:19
3134Josephine PerryThames Turbo1:08:36
3224Robert MajorWelwyn Wheelers1:09:111:1121
3347Brian ForanLampard RC1:09:21+1:4620
348John WheelwrightNorth Bucks Road Club1:10:25+10:1611
3538John PfeiferIcknield RC1:10:51+11:399
3644Stephen RoffeHemel Hempstead CC1:12:514:5123
3719Christine YuillStevenage CC1:15:25
3829Michael RichardsonIcknield RC1:24:042:1122
392Nigel GoffinHemel Hempstead CC1:25:129:4324
43William McFarlandEast London VeloDNFWent off course
PosNoRiderClubTime+/-stdStd PosWom Pos
150Danny AxfordArctic Premier RT53:22Ax-man
245Jesse ElzingaBeeline Bicycles RT55:46Alice Gordon
320David JohnsonVC1056:08+16:022Dave27
440André DyasonSt Ives CC56:21+14:453psychic_dog
537Thomas BellTwickenham CC57:43Team
615Pete LawrenceVC1057:51cbscratcher
722Thomas SutherlandTwickenham CC57:53Team
825Neill CoventryAPI-Metrow57:54+14:156
935John DowlingHemel Hempstead CC58:19+14:245JaDed
105Robert SaundersNorth Bucks Road Club58:50+12:168Grumpy Bob
1121Jonathan PageBicester Millennium CC01:00:15+13:017Torque Converter
1211John BourtonBicester Millennium CC01:00:18+14:364
136Stephen HewittHemel Hempstead CC01:00:48S Hewitt
1416Jonathan GillhamStevenage CC01:01:03
1542Nigel AtkinsTwickenham CC01:01:17Team
1628Clifford PriceLondon Dynamo01:01:29flyingpig
1710Ian BrazierVerulam CC01:01:34+08:2913
1849Rob LuffBrighton Excelsior CC01:01:35+11:0710
194Neil FisherWelwyn Wheelers01:01:39+04:5017
203Mark SmeeFenland Clarion01:02:59+06:3415
219Richard HuttLampard RC01:03:16+08:5412rjh
2236Christopher GreigVC1001:03:44
2348Simon HemingtonHemel Hempstead CC01:03:52+02:0719
2427Jody ConibearHemel Hempstead CC01:04:301
2518Ian HuntingfordHemel Hempstead CC01:05:31+06:0816
267Julian BarnardDulwich Paragon01:05:34+06:3614
2717Tim CareyA5 Rangers CC01:05:44+03:4818Blob
2814Steven AbrahamNorth Bucks Road Club01:06:41
2933Nikki HuntVTTA01:07:04+17:1712
3032Les ChurchCamel Valley C&TC01:07:19
3134Josephine PerryThames Turbo01:08:363
3224Robert MajorWelwyn Wheelers01:09:11–01:1021Mr.M
3347Brian ForanLampard RC01:09:21+01:4620brianf
348John WheelwrightNorth Bucks Road Club01:10:25+10:1511
3538John PfeiferIcknield RC01:10:51+11:389
3644Stephen RoffeHemel Hempstead CC01:12:51–04:5023
3719Christine YuillStevenage CC01:15:254
3829Michael RichardsonIcknield RC01:24:04–02:1122
392Nigel GoffinHemel Hempstead CC01:25:12–09:4324
43William McFarlandEast London VeloDNFWent off course

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Grumpy Bob in action on the E2/25

Here's a photo of me on the new bike, in action in the VTTA '25' last weekend.  Apologies for the vanity posting![caption id="attachment_902" align="alignnone" width="622" caption="Riding the VTTA '25' on the E2/25, 19/6/10"][/caption]As noted, the photo is copyright Sarah Brooke.  Visit her website for photos of this event (and other events).

  125 Hits

The Times website requires registration - web traffic drops

One of the more irritating things about the internet is the apparent inability of the "old media" to "get it".  Rupert Murdoch's recently started to implement a program of changes to his News International newspaper websites.  I noticed the other day that access to pages at some of the UK newspaper sites required me to register for free.  I declined - The Times doesn't exactly square with my political world view, and I figured that I'd later get harassed to begin paying.  Ars Technica has published an article on the immediate impact of the new access policy (UK paper requires free Web accounts; traffic plunges).

But, according to Hitwise's numbers, simply adding the registration barrier has cut traffic to the site almost in half. Prior to the change, The Times was seeing somewhere in the neighborhood of four to five percent of the traffic going to the print news media category; after, it was hovering around two percent.Hitwise also tracked where users were going once they hit the registration page. About a third stay on one of The Times' properties, but many head straight to another news site (The Telegraph and The Guardian are big winners here), or simply to Google.
Ars Technica does note that the data depend on a single company's analysis.  What'll be more interesting to me will be the consequences of a shift to a payment mode.  Will this push more of the traffic towards the other broadsheets' website?  And in the long-term, will the income compensate for loss of page views?As an aside, over the last couple of years, AP has been moving to protect copyright on its news service.  How about the content of this news story (which you will note is copyright, so I'll merely state the entire story is 14 words long.

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