Government caves in over datasharing proposals

The Guardian reports (Straw bows to pressure over data sharing) that the Government's controversial plans to permit government agencies to correlate and combine data held on citizens have been withdrawn.  I previously reported on clause 152 in the otherwise innocuous sounding Coroners and Justice Bill Part 8 - Data Protection Act 1998 (c. 29) (The UK database state comes a step closer...).  Now it seems that privacy campaigners have had an effect:

Jack Straw last night scrapped controversial government proposals that could have allowed patients' medical and DNA records to be shared with police, foreign governments and other bodies.

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NBRC Club '10' Astwood 7/3/09

Wind: WSW 7mph
Hum: 90%
Press: 1009mB
Vis: Very good
Not the nicest of mornings, but a bit warmer than of late.  The rather grey and overcast conditions eased a bit and the sun was peeking through by the time the riders started.  This event was billed as a 72" medium gear event, and it was good to see many of the riders turning out either on fixed or limiting their gears.  For my part, I decided this was a training event for me and rode my regular Cougar TT bike.  And training I need, judging from this result!
The outward leg to Chicheley seemed rather hard, but after the turn there, things were easier with a bit of a tail wind.  The rest of the event was a bit uneventful, I continued to feel a bit drained.  It all seemed a bit of a comedown after the Port Talbot Wh 2-up last week.   I did have a bit of a heart-stopping moment near the Bourne End junction, when my back wheel skidded sideways suddenly.  I've no idea why, and at least one other rider had a skid at that point.  Perhaps a greasy patch on the road.
I finished with a pretty underwhelming time of 25:00.  On the other hand, the pulse trace revealed I rode at the right HR level throughout.  So at least this was a good workout, even though the take-home message is that the fitness level is not what it should be.  It's also possible that large quantities of Thai curry and copious Singha beer last night might not have been the best preparation for the event!

Result of the NBRC Time Trial held on Wednesday 7th of March 2009

Course:- F5v/10 (Astwood) Medium gear event - 72"

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Groklaw on Microsoft's latest assault on open source software

The recently announced Microsoft patent action against TomTom has brought the Groklaw blog out of its semi-retirement.  Groklaw made it's name by documenting, often in surprising detail, the SCO vs Linux debacle, which is still continuing with SCO in bankruptcy protection (actually the case was a series of legal actions involving SCO, IBM, Novell, Red Hat to name a few).  Since the SCO vs Novell case, upon which much of the rest of this legal fiasco depends, is essentially over, with SCO sitting in the bankruptcy courts, Groklaw has been in semi-retirement with its prime author, PJ, taking time out to consolidated the library of posts and documents she has acquired over the last few years.

Over the years, Groklaw has followed a variety of cases where Open Source Software (OSS), and in particular software released under the GPL, and in many cases the shadowy presence of Microsoft has been inferred by contributors.  Now it seems that Microsoft has finally decided to direct the big guns of the broken US software patent system at the GPS manufacturer TomTom.  This is a complex action, including the use of the FAT file system.

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Suppressed Which? report is available on Wikileaks

The Which? report on Phorm and BT Webwise (Phorm uses legal muscle against critical press reports), and which was suppressed by legal action threatened by former spyware company Phorm has surfaced on Wikileaks (UK media suppressed Phorm survey and article, 2009).

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A couple of Welsh castles

As usual on our annual trips over to ride the Port Talbot Wheelers two-up '25', we take the opportunity to visit antiquities.  This time we visited two castles in the Towy valley near Carmarthen.

Dinefwr Castle is located in the grounds of a National Trust property (so car parking is £2 - admission to the house is more still, though it wasn't open when we visited).  There's a nice tearoom in the House.  The castle itself is perched on a  craggy rock overlooking the valley, and is in quite good shape considering what it's been through, including being remodelled into a "romantic ruin" in the 17th century and having (bizarrely) a summerhouse added to the top of the round tower.  The picture below shows the view up to the castle, plus a couple of tetchy sheep.

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The American behavioural advertising company Adzilla bites the dust

Adzilla, another vile company aiming to use deep packet inspection to monitor internet users' browsing behaviour to deliver targetted adverts has bitten the dust, according to to a report at (Another ISP Ad Snooper Hit With Lawsuit).  This follows the demise of Nebuad's plans to carry out similar nefarious activity.  Adzilla may be no longer with us, but a class action lawsuit has been launched against it and its ISP partners.

In early June of 2007, Susan Simon noticed odd things happening to her internet connection and traced the troubles to an outfit called Adzilla that turned out to be spying on everything she did online. 

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In which I buy yet another gadget

I have a (probably half-baked) plan to carry on blogging while on cycle tour this summer.  Well, for as long as I can keep a Vodafone signal going.  One of the aims is to report on the cycling before I forget everything we see during the day.  To keep tabs on the routes we've cycled, I bought a Globalsat DG-100 GPS logger.

This little device is a basic GPS datalogger, which comes with some pretty basic software which, though a little on the clunky side, does seem to work pretty well.  I plan to use this with a small OQO pocket computer running Windows XP while travelling.  The unit is 3.15"x2.75"x0.7", so is pretty compact.  The silver coloured plate is the battery cover - it's powered by two NiMH cells (supplied), which are recharged via the USB connector.  Other than that, there are only two controls - the big silver cover power switch and a mode selector on the side.  The device comes with three preset modes, for pedestrian, bike and car travel (they differ in the data sampling rate), but these can be adjusted using the supplied software. 

In addition to the two software packages for downloading data, the unit comes with an application for adding location data to digital photograph files (so no more wondering where the heck we took those snaps of different Highland views!).

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Port Talbot Wheelers 2-up '25' 1/3/09

This event has become Team Grumpy's annual season-starter.  It's a well run two up team time trial event run on the R25/24 course.  This course uses a dual carriageway section for the first half, before switching to the old road running roughly parallel to the dual carriageway, but which is quite a bit hillier, with several short but quite steep climbs.

Over at the Team Grumpy blog, we'd been doing a count down to this event, ruminating on training and preparation.  In the event, we finished our "rigorous" training programme off with quite a lot of Belgian beer, takeaway curries and (on the evening before the event, pasta).  Two evenings-worth of system abuse was not, perhaps, the ideal fine-tuning of our finely-tuned physiques (in particular, I've had trouble keeping and/or getting the weight off), so we were feeling a little apprehensive and 'inwardly disturbed' on the way over to the course.

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Phorm uses legal muscle against critical press reports

The Register reports (Phorm unleashes legal attack on critics) that much-criticised former spyware company Phorm has unleased legal missives in the direction of Which?, who conducted a user survery which supposedly found that internet users were deeply unhappy about the intrusive and possibly illegal Phorm system, which scans all internet activity in order to extract keywords for targetted advertising.  According to The Regiser,

News articles based on a survey indicating public opposition to Phorm's web snooping and advertising system have been withdrawn after the firm made legal threats to their publishers.

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A confiscation too far by Kent Police?

The BBC reports (Protest officers seized balloons) that some unusual items were confiscated from a power station protest group.  Supposedly items are meant to be confiscated to prevent offences being committed, but a FOI request reveals that along with the aforementioned balloons,

items taken included blankets, a walking stick, a clown outfit and soap.  [...]  A mountain bike, cycle helmets, bin bags and party poppers were also taken from protesters entering the camp site.

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BT-Phorm warning module on this website

I'm visiting friends in South Wales, and I'm using their BT internet connection.  This gives me the first check that the BT-Phorm warning system is still working (it is - if you're on BT, you'll see the grey box with warning script on the right.

If you see this warning, click on the  InPhormation Desk link for more information about what Phorm, BT Webwise and deep packet inspection are, and why yo should be worried.

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Ben Goldacre on datamining

This morning, Ben Goldacre, the Guardian columnist and Bad Science blogger) has written on the difficulties and dangers of datamining to identify criminals and terrorists (Datamining would be lovely if it worked).

He's written this on the back of an IPPR report (The National Security Strategy: Implications for the UK intelligence community), and he's raising issues of accuracy and false positive rates - clearly analogous to evidence-based medical trials, which are closer to his usual blog fare.  Goldacre quotes the author of the report:

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Lux Interior RIP

The Cramps' Lux Interior died earlier this month.  There's a story at the Mojo website (Lux Interior: October 21, 1946 - February 4, 2009)

I've inserted a video of my favourite Cramps track below the fold

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Children and the UK database culture

Two reports in the press highlight the database dangers the UK is sleepwalking into.

The Guardian reports (DNA details of 1.1m children on database) that the details of over a million children remain in the national DNA database,  despite over half of these individuals having no criminal convictions.

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A curious deep sea fish

 This cute little fish is Macropinna microstoma. The green objects under the transparent carapace are its eyes: the dark blobs above its mouth are olfactory organs.

 [video: 480x295]

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Is social networking bad for kids?

Here's a clip from Newsnight, in which Jeremy Paxman chairs a debate about the dangers of social networking.  Baroness Greenfield doesn't come out of it too well.

 [video: 480x295]

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Team Sky - A British road cycling team for 2010 has a newsflash story concerning a new professional road cycling team to begin racing in 2010 (Britons announce professional road squad), Team Sky.  Clearly building on evidence of success on the track over the last few years, British Cycling have moved to set up a British-based road squad.  Sponsorship for four years is from Sky, who already play significant role in the development of UK cycling.

Dave Brailsford clearly has a number of riders targeted for the 25 man squad:

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Should the IWF blacklist be made compulsory?

A coalition of child protection charities have proposed that the implementation of the Internet Watch Foundation's blacklist should be made compulsory (Ars Technica - UK charities: make IWF Web blacklist 100% compulsory for ISPs).  Interestingly, this comes a few days after an objection to the IWF's charitable status has been made.

"Over 700,000 households in the UK can still get uninterrupted and easy access to illegal child abuse image sites," said advisor Zoe Hilton in a statement yesterday. "Allowing this loophole helps to feed the appalling trade in images which feature real children being seriously sexually assaulted. We now need decisive action from the government to ensure the Internet Service Providers that are still refusing to block this foul material are forced to fall into line. Self-regulation on this issue is obviously failing-and in a seriously damaging way for children."  

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Craven Irish ISP caves in to music industry

Ars Technica reports (Record industry talks Irish ISP into blocking P2P sites) that the largest Irish ISP, Eircom, has agreed to start blocking access to filesharing sites, beginning (of course) with PirateBay.

Ireland's largest ISP, Eircom, has entered into an agreement with IRMA, saying that it will begin blocking access to sites that allow users to swap files and that it will not oppose any court action mandating that such action must be taken.

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OQO Ultra Mobile PC Review - update

About a year ago, I wrote a blog article reviewing the OQO 01+ UMPC.   I rather liked this PC, and indeed still do, though one does need to take into account its limitations.  Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the power supply, which after a few months stopped working. 

To clarify, the power supply brick has one output (with a peculiar 5 socket plug, of which more later), and two inputs - one is for mains, the other is for 12V car adapter input.  It is the former input that has blown, and this seems to be far from unusual.  It occurred to me that I could update my blog while on summer cycling holiday, with the OQO plus the Vodafone 3G stick (well, at least while I was within transmitter range!).  However, my workaround power supply required the use of a UK mains > 12V power supply to power the OQO power brick.  Tis is far from being portable.

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